1990 Galveston County
  • Land
  • Land Management
  • gis
  • aerials

Aerial Imagery & 3D Elevation (LiDAR) Catalog

1990 Galveston County | Overview Map

To request the high-resolution imagery, please send the flight date/name, and the list of your requested tiles, to the General Land Office Geospatial Team at Geospatial@glo.texas.gov or 512-463-4352.

The Texas General Land Office makes no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy or completeness of the information depicted on these images, or the data from which they were produced. These images ARE NOT suitable for navigational purposes and do not purport to depict or establish boundaries between private and public land.
Photo credit: Texas General Land Office.


Click on a frame number to view an aerial photo
Overview Map Frame 288 Frame 290 Frame 292 Frame 284 Frame 282 Frame 280 Frame 278 Frame 250 Frame 252 Frame 254 Frame 256 Frame 258 Frame 260 Frame 262 Frame 264 Frame 268 Frame 272 Frame 230 Frame 232 Frame 234 Frame 235 Frame 236 Frame 237 Frame 238 Frame 240 Frame 241 Frame 242 Frame 243 Frame 244 Frame 246 Frame 248 Frame 208 Frame 210 Frame 211 Frame 213 Frame 214 Frame 215 Frame 216 Frame 217 Frame 218 Frame 219 Frame 220 Frame 221 Frame 222 Frame 224 Frame 225 Frame 185 Frame 186 Frame 182 Frame 190 Frame 192 Frame 194 Frame 195 Frame 196 Frame 198 Frame 200 Frame 202 Frame 204 Frame 168 Frame 170 Frame 172 Frame 174 Frame 176 Frame 178 Frame 148 Frame 150 Frame 152 Frame 154 Frame 156 Frame 158 Frame 160 Frame 162 Frame 138 Frame 144 Frame 114 Frame 116 Frame 118 Frame 120 Frame 108 Frame 104 Frame 96 Frame 90 Frame 88 Frame 86 Frame 84 Frame 75 Frame 74 Frame 72 Frame 60 Frame 58 Frame 54 Frame 52 Frame 142 Frame 266 Frame 106

Scanned and georeferenced black and white 9"x9" prints
Galveston County
Texas Natural Resource Information System (TNRIS)