Transparency in state government is a cornerstone of democracy and good governance. The information shared below demonstrates the GLO’s compliance with all reporting requirements for state agency contracts and purchase orders.
Contract Management Handbook In accordance with Section 2261.256 of the Texas Government Code, the agency has made available the GLO Contract Management Handbook.
Vendor Contacts and Contracts over $100,000In accordance with § 2261.253 of the Texas Government Code, a listing of GLO purchase orders and contracts with vendors is made available to comply with transparency requirements for state agency procurement and contracts.
In addition, pursuant to § 2054.126 of the Texas Government Code, the GLO is required to provide a listing and description of all vendor contracts that exceed $100,000. This listing is available by selection 100000 in the Above Dollar Threshold filter below.
All GLO contracts and grants are available on the Legislative Budget Board’s Contract Database. Legislative Budget Board
Interagency Contracts over $10,000,000
In compliance with the Texas General Appropriations Act, Article IX §7.14, Reports on Interagency Contracts, state agencies shall make available an annual report providing information on each interagency contract with a value that exceeds $10 million. The list below contains all GLO contracts that meet these criteria for FY24.
Statements of Work for DIR Cooperative Contracts
In accordance with Section 212.41(d) of the Texas Administrative Code, a listing of active statements of work for contracts awarded under the DIR Cooperative contracts is provided to comply with the requirements for transparency in state agency contracting and procurement.
Loblolly Consulting, LLC
RFD & Associates, Inc.
Trademark Media Corporation
DBA Mighty Citizen DIR-CPO-5003
Please use the contact information below to inquire about these statements of work.
GLO IT Contract 475-2916