Region 2
  • Coast
  • Coastal Management
  • coastal-resiliency
  • regions

Region 2

The following counties under Region 2 include projects that restore, adapt and maintain ecological systems to continue to provide iconic habitats for outdoor recreational activities, such as fishing and bird watching.

Map of Region 2

Region 2 Counties: Brazoria, Calhoun, Jackson, Matagorda

Brazoria County
  • Brazos River to Cedar Lake Creek GIWW Stabilization: R2-1
    This project would construct breakwaters as a living shoreline along approximately 20 miles of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (GIWW) and restore wetlands adjacent to the GIWW. Of the 20 miles identified in this project, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has permitted 3 miles of breakwater along the north shoreline of the GIWW, which is on U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and privately-owned lands. Approximately 1 mile of this breakwater has been constructed. An additional 2 permitted miles are anticipated to be constructed in summer 2019, provided that sufficient matched and leveraged funds are made available.
    Project status: conceptual
    GLO amount funded: NONE
    Leveraged amount funded: NONE
    Leveraged funding sources: NONE
    Total amount funded: NONE
    Total estimated cost: NONE
    Project comments: Twenty miles of breakwater to be constructed. Three miles permitted. One of these miles is constructed.
  • Brazos River and San Bernard River Restoration Strategy and Management Plan: R2-19
    This project proposes a management plan and restoration strategy for the Brazos River and the San Bernard River that would include beneficial use of dredged material. The restoration strategy would have three components. First, the project would include a study to evaluate the influence of flow regime, including floods, and adopted Texas Commission on Environmental Quality freshwater inflow standards on salinity, suspended solids, nutrients, nekton, offshore sediment plume size and direction, and the geomorphology of the Brazos River Delta. Second, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers would assess the impact of removing locks on the Brazos River and develop a restoration plan that would include structural and non-structural solutions to address the shoaling issues under a separate funding source. Third, there would be a study to assess rainfall-runoff modeling for coastal watersheds draining into the San Bernard Estuary and Matagorda Bay.
    Project status: conceptual
    GLO amount funded: NONE
    Leveraged amount funded: NONE
    Leveraged funding sources: RESTORE, TWDB, USACE-PAS
    Total amount funded: NONE
    Total estimated cost: NONE
    Project comments: Study includes ecological assessment of Brazos river discharge impacts on the Brazos delta & coastal marshes of San Bernard River. The study will historically reconstruct the Brazos delta using aerial imagery to see how the delta changed over time. Local stakeholder discussions are being held.
Calhoun County
  • Welder Flats Wildlife Management Area: R2-3
    The Welder Flats Wildlife Management Area is made up of 1,480 acres of submerged coastal wetlands that provide habitat for the endangered Whooping Crane and numerous other species of waterfowl, wading birds and fisheries. Rock breakwaters and/or a living shoreline are proposed for this area. An alternatives analysis, followed by detailed engineering and design, would be required to determine the most resilient solution for the project.
    Project status: conceptual
    GLO amount funded: NONE
    Leveraged amount funded: NONE
    Leveraged funding sources: NONE
    Total amount funded: NONE
    Total estimated cost: NONE
    Project comments: Conceptual project. An alternatives analysis, followed by detailed engineering and design, would be required to determine the most resilient solution for the project.
  • Ocean Drive Living Shoreline: R2-7
    Ocean Drive is a coastal roadway that connects several coastal communities on the western side of Matagorda Bay. This project would add a living shoreline-type stabilization using breakwaters along Ocean Drive near Indianola, heading north, to control shoreline erosion while potentially building back eroded nearshore habitat.
    Project status: shovel ready
    GLO amount funded: 5,000
    Leveraged amount funded: 3,900,000
    Leveraged funding sources: TxDOT (1,239,000); GOMESA (2,661,000)
    Total amount funded: 3,905,000
    Total estimated cost: NONE
    Project comments: Permitting/design/construction to protect 3,700 feet of shoreline with groins and BN
  • Port Lavaca Living Shoreline: R2-8
    This project proposes to add a living shoreline at Port Lavaca along the bay shoreline southwest of the Lavaca Bay Causeway to enhance wetlands and improve the quality of runoff into Lavaca Bay.
    Project status: conceptual
    GLO amount funded: NONE
    Leveraged amount funded: NONE
    Leveraged funding sources: NONE
    Total amount funded: NONE
    Total estimated cost: NONE
    Project comments: Conceptual project. This project proposes to add a living shoreline at Port Lavaca along the bay shoreline southwest of the Lavaca Bay Causeway to enhance wetlands and improve the quality of runoff into Lavaca Bay.
  • San Antonio Bay Rookery Island Restoration: R2-11
    The loss of nesting habitat in San Antonio Bay has led to a decline in herons, egrets, black skimmers and brown pelicans. An initial site assessment of San Antonio Bay identified five locations of previously functioning rookery islands that are suitable for reconstruction. This project would allow for the restoration of a historical rookery island utilizing one or more of the five identified locations. This project is currently permitted.
    Project status: shovel ready
    GLO amount funded: NONE
    Leveraged amount funded: 210,000
    Leveraged funding sources: USFWS (135,000); Nature Conservancy (75,000)
    Total amount funded: 210,000
    Total estimated cost: 5,710,000
    Project comments: Phase 1 was permitting and leasing and is completed.  Phase 2 will be construction. Total Estimated Cost: $5.71 M ($5.4 M for construction, $310,000 for E&D)
  • Lavaca Bay Oyster Reef Restoration: R2-16

This project proposes oyster reef habitat restoration in Lavaca Bay. This project would restore additional reefs in Lavaca Bay, which is known to have a water climate suitable for oyster survival and growth. The project would include coordination to determine if the oyster habitats would be commercially harvestable.
Project status: conceptual
GLO amount funded: NONE
Leveraged amount funded: NONE
Leveraged funding sources: NONE
Total amount funded: NONE
Total estimated cost: NONE
Project comments: Conceptual project. This project proposes oyster reef habitat restoration in Lavaca Bay.

  • San Antonio Bay Hydrologic Regional Watershed Plan: R2-17
    This regional watershed plan would investigate the viability of alternative options for water quality and stormwater volumes. This regional watershed plan would investigate options such as relocating sediment buildup behind dams, collaborating with industry to create strategies for natural infrastructure to improve treatment and mitigate pollution, outreach or incentives for farming communities to use vegetative buffers between agricultural lands and the bays, and installing piping to redirect and retain floodwaters upstream. The plan also would identify locations for permanent monitoring stations to allow for monitoring and adaptive management throughout the watershed.
    Project status: conceptual
    GLO amount funded: NONE
    Leveraged amount funded: NONE
    Leveraged funding sources: NONE
    Total amount funded: NONE
    Total estimated cost: NONE
    Project comments: Conceptual project. This regional watershed plan would investigate the viability of alternative options for water quality and stormwater volumes. Local discussions are being held with potential stakeholders.
Jackson County
  • Redfish Lake Living Shoreline: R2-5
    The peninsula typically separating Redfish Lake from Matagorda Bay is breached. This project would allow for the rebuilding and reconnection of the breached bayside hook back to the peninsula with approximately 3 miles of living shoreline. In addition, the project could restore oyster reefs in the area as a part of the living shoreline.
    Project status: E&D
    GLO amount funded: NONE
    Leveraged amount funded: NONE
    Leveraged funding sources: NRDA
    Total amount funded: NONE
    Total estimated cost: NONE
    Project comments: This project is in early data collection phase and will be moving into preliminary engineering to design living shoreline structures to protect the habitats in Redfish and Salt Lakes
Matagorda County
  • Boggy Cut GIWW Stabilization: R2-2
    To mitigate erosion in the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (GIWW) near Boggy Cut, this project proposes up to 20 miles of barrier island restoration or construction of breakwaters and wetland restoration where island restoration is not feasible. The project also could include an acquisition of private property adjacent to the GIWW, if willing sellers are established.
    Project status: conceptual
    GLO amount funded: NONE
    Leveraged amount funded: NONE
    Leveraged funding sources: NONE
    Total amount funded: NONE
    Total estimated cost: NONE
    Project comments: Conceptual project. To mitigate erosion in the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (GIWW) near Boggy Cut, this project proposes up to 20 miles of barrier island restoration or construction of breakwaters and wetland restoration where island restoration is not feasible.
  • Sargent Beach & Dune Restoration: R2-4
    The project would nourish and restore approximately 8 miles of beach shoreline and dunes on Sargent Beach. This solution could include constructing groins or detached breakwaters. The nourishment efforts would primarily rely on sand sources that developed nearshore along the Brazos and San Bernard River deltas, with the additional possibility of a source offshore in the Colorado River Delta.
    Project status: E&D
    GLO amount funded: 118,200
    Leveraged amount funded: 78,800
    Leveraged funding sources: Matagorda County (78,800)
    Total amount funded: 197,000
    Total estimated cost: NONE
    Project comments: Two Sargent Beach & Dune Restoration projects funded (1) Sargent Beach Segmented Breakwater & BN Pilot and (2) Sargent Beach (East) Hurricane Harvey Repair
  • Mad Island Shoreline Protection and Ecosystem Restoration: R2-6
    This project would protect over 6,000 acres of critically important coastal prairie and marsh ecosystem at the Mad Island Marsh Preserve. The goal of the project is to install a 2.3-mile nearshore breakwater to stem the persistent erosion and habitat loss at the Preserve along the mid-coast of Texas in Matagorda Bay.
    Project status: E&D
    GLO amount funded: 127,500
    Leveraged amount funded: 85,000
    Leveraged funding sources: NFWF (85,000)
    Total amount funded: 212,500
    Total estimated cost: 4,000,000
    Project comments: Engineering and design was completed in march 2020. Project has been activated and contractor procurement is underway. Permitting in progress. This is phase 1 of 2. Total estimated cost is $4 mil. Construction funding is still needed ($3.2 million)
  • Palacios Shoreline Revitalization Project: R2-9
    The Palacios Seawall is the only line of protection for this area from erosion and infrastructure damage caused by wave energy from winds and storm surge. The seawall is approximately 3 miles long and fringes Palacios' southern and eastern shores. A lighted walkway, boat ramps and lighted fishing piers are maintained along the approximately 1.5-mile southern section of seawall. These areas enhance angling, birdwatching and sightseeing opportunities, creating popular destinations for locals and tourists. The Palacios living shoreline project proposal is for engineering, design and construction of a rock sill located approximately 50 feet to 100 feet offshore and parallel to selected segments of the seawall.
    Project status: conceptual
    GLO amount funded: NONE
    Leveraged amount funded: NONE
    Leveraged funding sources: NONE
    Total amount funded: NONE
    Total estimated cost: NONE
    Project comments: Palacios completed construction of Palacios Educational Pavilion. Work is still needed to build an oyster reclamation project, wetland habitat & shoreline reclamation associated w/ improvements paramount to the repair & expansion of existing seawall
  • Chester Island Restoration: R2-10
    The project would slow the erosion of Chester Island by adding 30 acres of land using nearshore breakwaters to retain and build back soils. This project is shovel-ready and potential sites for beneficial use of dredged material (BUDM) have been identified to rebuild the eroded land. Funding for this project would pay for additional time and resources to place the BUDM material in a manner beneficial to the island's avian inhabitants.
    Project status: E&D
    GLO amount funded: 140,000
    Leveraged amount funded: 15,133
    Leveraged funding sources: Audubon (15,133)
    Total amount funded: 155,133
    Total estimated cost: 5,940,000
    Project comments: This project is ongoing as Chester is eroded every year. Chester Island is a USACE dredging placement site and funds for this project would pay for additional time and resources to place BU material in a manner beneficial to colonial waterbirds. This cost reflects the full cost of sediment without any beneficial use of dredge material from the ACOE, therefore, this cost will be reduced if the ACOE is able to provide sediments. Est. Total Cost of construction: $5.94 mil.
  • Coon Island Restoration: R2-12
    Coon Island has been impacted by erosion and relative sea level rise and has lost its original connectivity. This project would add fill material to Coon Island to restore the elevation and original connectivity of the island. The project would be enhanced by concurrently implementing the Oliver Point Oyster Reef Restoration project, which would provide additional wave protection to Coon Island and prevent future erosion of the restored island.
    Project status: conceptual
    GLO amount funded: NONE
    Leveraged amount funded: NONE
    Leveraged funding sources: NONE
    Total amount funded: NONE
    Total estimated cost: NONE
    Project comments: Success of the Coon Island Restoration project is somewhat contingent upon the successful completion of the Oliver Reef and Point projects.
  • Half Moon Oyster Reef Restoration - Phase 3: R2-13
    Under this project, 30 acres of oyster reef habitat would be restored at Half Moon Oyster Reef in Matagorda Bay. The project is shovel-ready (designed, permitted and leased).
    Project status: shovel ready
    GLO amount funded: NONE
    Leveraged amount funded: NONE
    Leveraged funding sources: NONE
    Total amount funded: NONE
    Total estimated cost: 2,300,000
    Project comments: Half Moon Reef Phase III is a permitted and shovel ready project that would build upon the successes of phase I and II which built a total of 52 acres of subtidal oyster reef. Total estimated cost: $2.3 mil
  • Oliver Point Oyster Reef Restoration: R2-14
    The project would restore approximately 10 acres of the legacy Oliver Point Oyster Reef in Matagorda Bay.
    Project status: E&D
    GLO amount funded: 187,500
    Leveraged amount funded: 75,000
    Leveraged funding sources: USFWS (60,000); Matagorda Bay Foundation (15,000)
    Total amount funded: 262,500
    Total estimated cost: NONE
    Project comments: Awaiting contracting with the GLO. Project was awarded a CERPA grant to begin surveys, design, and engineering. The $60k funding was received from USFWS to begin preliminary study and engineering at Oliver Point and Oliver Reef
  • Chinquapin Oyster Reef Restoration: R2-15
    The project would provide approximately 10 acres of oyster reef restoration on the legacy Chinquapin Reef in East Matagorda Bay. The proximity of the reef to the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway would be considered during restoration planning. The project would include coordination to determine if the oyster habitats would be commercially harvestable.
    Project status: conceptual
    GLO amount funded: NONE
    Leveraged amount funded: NONE
    Leveraged funding sources: NONE
    Total amount funded: NONE
    Total estimated cost: NONE
    Project comments: Conceptual project. Local stakeholder discussions are being held.
  • Matagorda Bay Regional Inflow Study: R2-18
    Under this project, a regional drainage study would be conducted to describe current conditions and propose management solutions to address freshwater inflow concerns. Recent work has been conducted on Matagorda Bay freshwater inflows via adaptive management plans of the Senate Bill 3 (80th Texas Legislature, 2007) Environmental Flows Process that seek to meet environmental flow recommendations for the system.
    Project status: study
    GLO amount funded: NONE
    Leveraged amount funded: 104,000
    Leveraged funding sources: TWDB (104,000)
    Total amount funded: 104,000
    Total estimated cost: NONE
    Project comments: Monitoring and study effort will begin in summer of 2020. The study will evaluate and document topography, salinity, waterflow, and vegetation in the Big Boggy wetlands complex in East Matagorda Bay