As dictated by each federal register, the GLO is required to publish a number of policies and reports online. The following sections are intended to satisfy those requirements.
GLO Citizen Participation Plans
The GLO’s Citizen Participation Plan for the Hurricane Harvey was developed based on the requirements outline the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Register Notice, Vol. 82, No. 247, Wednesday, December 27, 2017.
Environmental Guidance
Pursuant to 24 CFR Part 58, environmental reviews must be conducted on every activity involving CDBG-DR and / or CDBG-MIT funds.
GIS Mapping and Data
Discover free public data, tools, and resources from GLO’s GIS Hub. Go to this page to explore applications, information, and other materials tied to our CDBD-DR and CDBG-MIT programs.
Grant Implementation
The GLO Implementation Manual is intended to provide guidance and training for entities identified as Subrecipients (local entities that receive a CDBG-MIT or CDBG-DR grant through or overseen by the GLO).
Section 3 Compliance Requirements - please refer to Chapter 11: Civil Rights Requirements
Monitoring & Auditing
The GLO ensures program compliance based on a risk analysis. In addition to the day-to-day oversight activities and review of information submitted, GLO staff schedule topic-specific reviews both via desk review and in the field.
Procurement & Contract Guidelines
The Federal Register Notices for CDBG-DR grants require that procurement processes and standards comply with the principles of full and open competition and include an evaluation of the cost or price of the for goods and services funded with grant funds.
Technical Assistance / Training
As a partner in the recovery process, the GLO is committed to providing Technical Assistance and Training to its subrecipients.
Contact Us
If you have a question about a Disaster Recovery program, find the right contact in our GLO Agency Directory.
Contact Directory