Boards and Committees
The School Land Board (SLB) was established in 1939 by the 46th Legislature to manage the sale and mineral leasing of Permanent School Fund (PSF) lands. The SLB’s responsibilities include approving land sales, trades and exchanges, and the purchase of land for the PSF. In addition to this, the SLB issues permits, leases and easements for uses of state-owned submerged land. The SLB is composed of five members.
The Commissioner of the Texas General Land Office serves as Chairwoman of the SLB and is joined by four citizen members appointed by the Governor.
Citizen members serve two-year terms, and may be reappointed, while the Commissioner serves during his/her term in office.
The SLB meets as needed on the first and third Tuesdays of every month, but may call special meetings if necessary.
SLB meetings are open to the public and since 2005 have been webcast live. SLB meeting agendas are posted in the Texas Register and can be accessed via the Texas Secretary of State website. Agendas must be posted seven working days prior to a SLB meeting.
- Dawn Buckingham, M.D., Chairwoman
- Gilbert Burciaga
- Marcella Burke
- David A. Eyler
- James B. "Brad" Curlee
Upcoming Meeting
Date: April 15, 2025 at 10:00 AM
Location: Conference Room 170, SFA
Watch the Live Webcast:
For Past Meetings click here
In the early days of the Republic, Texas gave its veterans land in recognition of their military service. Spurred by returning World War II veterans, the Legislature established the Texas Veterans Land Board (VLB) in 1946 to continue this tradition by providing Texas veterans with long-term, low-interest land loans.
Today, the VLB oversees five veterans programs. The three-member governing body (Board) of the VLB is responsible for the administration of the Veterans Land Program, the Veterans Housing Assistance Program, the Veterans Home Improvement Program, the Texas State Veterans Homes Program, and the Texas State Veterans Cemetery Program.
The members from the Texas Veterans Land Board are Chairwoman Dawn Buckingham M.D., Admiral (Ret.) Jud Scott, and Member James Rothfelder.As of January 2008, Board meetings are held on a quarterly basis, but special meetings may be called if necessary. Board meetings are open to the public and since 2005 have been webcast live.
Board meeting agendas are posted in the Texas Register and can be accessed via the Texas Secretary of State website. Agenda must be posted seven working days prior to a Board meeting.
Experience shows Texas veterans are a great investment. Even so, sometimes veterans can’t make the payments on their VLB loans and must forfeit their land. The Texas Veterans Land Board then makes these tracts of land available for other Texas veterans to bid on every January, April, July and October. Land that isn’t sold at these auctions is then available for public purchase.
- Dawn Buckingham, M.D., Chairwoman // January 2023 - Present
- Judson Scott // January 2023 - December 2026
- James Rothfelder // December 2024 - December 2028
Upcoming Meetings
- February 4, 2025 - Click here
- May 13, 2025
- August 5, 2025
- October 28, 2025
- February 03, 2026
- April 28, 2026
- July 28, 2026
Past Meeting Details
Meeting Minutes
Board Packet
Nov Recording
02-04-2025 Feb Meeting Minutes
Feb Recording
02-07-2025 N/A
05-13-2025 May Meeting Minutes
May Agenda
May Board Packet
May Recording
08-05-2025 Aug Meeting Minutes
Aug Agenda
Aug Board Packet
Aug Recording
10-28-2025 Oct Meeting Minutes
Oct Agenda
Oct Board Packet
Oct Recording
02-03-2026 Feb Meeting Minutes
Feb Agenda
Feb Board Packet
Feb Recording
04-28-2026 April Meeting Minutes
April Agenda
April Board Packet
April Recording
07-28-2026 July Meeting Minutes
July Agenda
July Board Packet
July Recording
The Coastal Coordination Advisory Committee (CCAC) serves the purpose of advising the GLO Commissioner on matters relating to the Coastal Management Program (CMP). The CMP uses a networked program of existing state statutes and regulatory programs from eight state natural resource agencies and local governments to manage coastal resource uses.
The CCAC is comprised of one designated representative from each of the follow state agencies: (1) the GLO; (2) Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ); (3) Railroad Commission of Texas (RRC); (4) Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD); (5) Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT); (6) Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board (TSSWCB); (7) the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB); and (8) Texas A&M Sea Grant (Sea Grant). The CCAC also includes four public citizen members which the GLO Commissioner appoints for five-year terms to represent the coastal priorities of agriculture, coastal businesses, coastal elected officials, and coastal residents. The terms of office for the CCAC members align with the Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) Section 309 five-year assessment of the CMP. Meetings are held on an as needed basis.
- Julie McEntire, Chair, Director of Grants Programs, Texas General Land Office.
- Mayor Alejandro Flores, Local Government Representative
- Rob Ziehr, Agriculture Representative
- Amy Belaire, Local Business Representative
- George Guillen, Ph.D., Local Citizen Representative
- Brian Koch, Regional Watershed Coordinator, Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board
- Leslie Savage, Chief Geologist, Railroad Commission of Texas
- Carla Guthrie, Ph.D., Director of Surface Water Resources, Texas Water Development Board
- Laura Picariello, Interim Director, Texas Sea Grant College Program
- Robin Riechers, Director of Coastal Fisheries, Texas Parks & Wildlife Department
- Doug Booher, Director of Environmental Affairs Division, Texas Department of Transportation
- Steven Schar, Chief of Staff, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
The Board for Lease, Texas Parks & Wildlife Department (Board), was created to lease land owned by the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department (TPWD). The Board is composed of three members. The Commissioner of the Texas General Land Office serves as Chairwoman of the Board and is joined by the Executive Director of TPWD. The Executive Director of TPWD may appoint the head of the TPWD department responsible for land management to serve on the Board in his/her place. The third member of the Board is a citizen appointed by the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate. The citizen member serves a term of two years.
Board meetings are held as necessary and are open to the public. As of 2005, Board meetings are webcast live, as well as archived for later viewing.
Board meeting agendas are posted in the Texas Register and can be accessed via the Texas Secretary of State website. Agenda must be posted seven working days prior to a Board meeting.
- Dawn Buckingham, M.D., Chairwoman
- Stan David
- Cliff Bickerstaff
Upcoming Meeting
Date: April 15, 2025 at 12:00 PM
Location: Conference Room 940A, SFA
Watch the Live Webcast: Past Meetings click here
The Board for Lease, Texas Department of Criminal Justice was created to lease land owned by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ). The Board is composed of three members. The Commissioner of the Texas General Land Office serves as Chairwoman of the Board and is joined by the Chairman of the Texas Board of Criminal Justice. The Chairman of TDCJ may appoint the head of the TDCJ department responsible for land management to serve on the Board in his/her place. The third member of the Board is a citizen appointed by the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate. The citizen member serves a term of two years.
Board meetings are held as necessary and are open to the public. As of 2005, Board meetings are webcast live, as well as archived for later viewing.
Board meeting agendas are posted in the Texas Register and can be accessed via the Texas Secretary of State website. Agenda must be posted seven working days prior to a Board meeting.
- Dawn Buckingham, M.D., Chairwoman
- Tom Fordyce
- Erin Lunceford
Upcoming Meeting
Date: TBD
Location: TBD
Watch the Live Webcast:
For Past Meetings click here
On March 29, 1929, the 41st Legislature created the Board for Lease (BFL) of University Lands. The BFL has authority over the leasing of oil and gas on Permanent University Fund (PUF) Lands and consists of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, as Chairwoman, two members of the Board of Regents of The University of Texas System, and one member of the Board of Regents of the Texas A & M University System. All members serve 2-year terms, with the exception of the Land Commissioner.
- Dawn Buckingham, M.D., Chairwoman // January 2023 - Present
- David Baggett
- Christina Melton Crain
- Nolan Perez
Upcoming Meeting
Date: To Be Announced
For more information visit the University Lands Website
Established in 2001 by the 72nd Texas Legislature, the Texas State Veterans Cemetery Committee (Committee) is responsible for the creation of guidelines to determine the location and size of Veterans cemeteries, and the eligibility for burial in a Veterans cemetery.
The Committee is composed of six members. The three-member board of the VLB is joined by the Chairwoman of the Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) and two representatives of the Veterans community to form the Committee. Both representatives are appointed to the Committee by the Chairwoman of the TVC and serve at the Chairwoman’s pleasure.The members from the Texas Veterans Land Board are Chairwoman Dawn Buckingham M.D., Admiral (Ret.) Jud Scott, and Member James Rothfelder. The members from the Texas Veterans Commission are, Chairwoman Laura Koerner, U.S. Navy Veteran, Member Kevin Barber, U.S. Army Veteran and Citizen Member Kitty Meyers, U.S. Air Force Veteran. The Committee meets as necessary.
Committee meeting agendas are posted in the Texas Register and can be accessed via the Texas Secretary of State website. Agenda must be posted seven working days prior to a committee meeting.UPCOMING MEETINGS
Date: TBD
Watch the Live Webcast: TBD
Location: Stephen F. Austin Building
Meeting Minutes
Board Packet
October Board Packet
June Meeting Minutes
The Special Board of Review (Board) is a governmental body whose members may convene to consider various aspects related to the development of real property belonging to the State of Texas, to the Permanent School Fund or to any of the dedicated funds of the State. In these instances, the Special Board of Review is responsible for facilitating development which conserves and enhances the value of state property, taking into consideration the preservation of the health, safety and general welfare of the communities in which the real property is situated.
Members of the Board represent the State of Texas as well as affected local governments and may include the Commissioner of the Texas General Land Office, the members of the School Land Board, the Chairwoman of the state agency possessing the property, the county judge and mayor of the municipality where the land is located, as applicable.
Board hearings shall be open to the public in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Government Code, Chapter 551, §§ 551.001 et seq. Hearings are not considered contested case proceedings under Chapter 2001, Government Code and shall not be subject to appeal thereunder.
Upcoming Meeting
Date: To Be Announced
Stephen F. Austin Bldg Room 170
1700 North Congress Avenue
Austin, TX 78701