CMP helps ensure the long-term environmental and economic health of the Texas coast.
The Texas Coastal Management Program (CMP), funded by NOAA, focuses on the state's coastal natural resource areas. The program is managed by the Texas Land Commissioner.
The Texas General Land Office:
- Awards approximately $2.2 million annually in grants
- Reviews federal actions in the Texas coastal zone to ensure consistency with the goals and policies of the CMP
- Supports protection of natural habitats and wildlife
- Provides baseline data on the health of gulf waters
The federally approved program brings approximately $2.2 million in federal Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) funds to Texas, most of which goes to state and local entities to implement projects and program activities. Texas is one of only a handful of coastal states that pass substantial amounts of CZMA funds through to coastal communities for projects in the coastal zone.
The Land Office has funded projects in all parts of the coastal zone for a wide variety of purposes. The General Land Office established the following categories for use of these funds by coastal communities:
- Coastal Natural Hazards Response
- Critical Areas Enhancement
- Public Access
- Waterfront Revitalization and Ecotourism Development
- Permit Streamlining/Assistance, Governmental Coordination and Local Government Planning Assistance
- Water Sediment Quantity and Quality Improvements
The CMP also receives Section 309 Enhancement Program funding. These funds are used to strengthen and improve the function of a state’s CMP through the development of strategies that address specific management needs. Section 309 funding is obtained once NOAA approves and accepts the 309 Assessment and Strategies Report, completed by the state every 5 years.