Doing Business with The GLO

The Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts’ (CPA) Statewide Procurement Division (SPD) is the central authority for state agency procurement guidance, education, and statewide contract development services.

The GLO Procurement Division functions as the contact between SPD, the vendor, and other GLO staff. All purchases must be coordinated through the Procurement Division.

The State of Texas Procurement and Contract Management Guide, published by SPD, provides a framework for navigating the complexities of Texas procurement law and offers practical, step-by-step guidance to ensure agencies acquire goods and services in an effective and efficient manner, in compliance with the law. GLO procurement professionals utilize this document in conjunction with the GLO Procurement Policy to conduct all procurements.

Procurement Information for New Vendors

Procurement Information for Existing Vendors

Contracts and Purchase Orders

Historically Underutilized Business Program