
Rehabilitation, Reconstruction or New Construction

Eligible activities, which are defined in the definitions section of the guidelines, are as follows: rehabilitation, reconstruction, new construction, and associated elevation and demolition charges. The primary focus of this program is to provide relief for those people impacted with consideration given to affirmatively further fair housing, as called for within the Fair Housing Act.



The GLO is committed to assisting Texans in the recovery process through this program and has the following services available:

Language assistance available by request: 512-463-5139. To request translation assistance with documents, events or other information, please leave a detailed message with your name, phone number and questions, and an interpreter will return your call with additional information. 



GLO Housing Guidelines


GLO CDBG-DR Overview Resources

GLO Environmental Resources

GLO Finance Resources

HUD URA Information and Resources

GLO CDBG Mapping Viewer


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