Filing a Complaint or Appeal

Compliance with the Public Information Act 

All information maintained by a state agency is presumed to be public, subject to specific exceptions in the Public Information Act (Chapter 552 of the Texas Government Code) or other law. Any information provided may be disclosed to appropriate investigatory or law enforcement authorities.

With few exceptions, an individual is entitled on request to be informed about the information that the state governmental body collects about the individual. Under Sections 552.021 and 552.023 of the Texas Government Code, the individual is entitled to receive and review the information. Under Section 559.004 of the Texas Government Code, the individual is entitled to have the state governmental body correct information about the individual that is incorrect. 

Filing a Complaint or Appeal

Concerned citizens have the ability to file a complaint or appeal a decision to the Texas General Land Office Community Development and Revitalization division (GLO-CDR).
Policies and procedures are in place to help facilitate this process. The GLO will not respond to complaints or appeals posted on social media. A complaint or appeal must be submitted as outlined below

There are four methods to submit an appeal or complaint to GLO-CDR:

  1. Complete and submit the Appeal & Complaint form online
  2. Download the Appeal & Complaint form and email it to GLO-CDR at;
  3. Call the GLO-CDR front desk line at 844-893-8937 or 512-475-5000; or
  4. Letters or printed Appeal & Complaint forms  may be mailed directly to:

Texas General Land Office
PO Box 12873
Austin, TX 78711-2873
To file a complaint anonymously, you may call 1-844-893-8937.

Appeals Process

If a homeowner, contractor, city, county, housing authority, or other entity would like to file an appeal, the following steps should be followed. 

Complaint Process

If an individual has a complaint regarding a project utilizing Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) allocations, the following steps should be followed:

Fraud, Waste, or Abuse of Government Funds

Complaints alleging violation of fair housing laws will be directed to HUD for immediate review. Refer to HUD’s Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO) Complaint  page for additional information.

If you know or suspect someone has committed fraud, waste, or abuse related to a GLO program, please tell us about it by completing and submitting the GLO-CDR  Fraud/Waste/Abuse form.

Complaints regarding fraud, waste, or abuse of government funds should be forwarded to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Inspector General Fraud Hotline (phone: 1-800-347-3735 or email:


The GLO is committed to assisting Texans in the recovery process through this program and has the following services available:

Language assistance available by request: 512-463-5139. To request translation assistance with documents, events or other information, please leave a detailed message with your name, phone number and questions, and an interpreter will return your call with additional information.

TTD line for the hearing impaired: 512-463-5330

Texas RELAY for speech or hearing impaired: 7-1-1

Complaint and Appeals process