Texas GLO posts Amendment 7 to Hurricane Harvey State Action Plan for public comment

Today the Texas General Land Office (GLO) posted Amendment 7 to the State Action Plan for $5.676 billion in Community Development Block Grants for Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) for a federally required 30-day public comment period. The amendment streamlines and adjusts the oversight and administration of Hurricane Harvey disaster recovery programs to expedite housing resources within the City of Houston and Harris County.

The amendment modifies action plan sections relating Harris County's direct allocation to reflect the new relationship with the GLO to collaborate on the Homeowner Assistance Program helping residents by repairing and rebuilding their homes. Harris County will continue to administer all remaining recovery programs directly. The amendment additionally eliminates funds from the City of Houston's administered programs. The GLO will instead directly administer a homeowner assistance program, multifamily rental program, and economic revitalization program on behalf of Houston citizens still in need of Hurricane Harvey assistance.

The funds will continue to be administered only within the geographic boundaries of the direct allocations:

  • Harris County - $1.234 billion
  • City of Houston - $1.275 billion

The 30-day public comment period will conclude at 5:00 p.m. on June 30, 2020. Action Plan Amendment 7 will then be sent to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for approval. Until HUD approves the changes, applicants to the GLO, Harris County, and City of Houston programs should continue to work with the entity to which they applied. For details on application status please call 1-844-893-8937.

The Action Plan Amendment 7 is available for review at  https://recovery.texas.gov/public-notices/index.html. All comments should be submitted to cdr@recovery.texas.gov by 5:00 p.m. on June 30, 2020, to be considered. Per federal requirements, the GLO must respond to public comments before the amendment can be sent to HUD for its 45-day final approval.