Texas GLO posts Amendment 8 to Hurricane Harvey State Action Plan for public comment

Today the Texas General Land Office (GLO) posted Amendment 8 to the State Action Plan for $5.676 billion in Community Development Block Grants for Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) for a federally required 30-day public comment period.

The amendment includes the following changes:

  • Reinstates more than $835 million for the City of Houston’s administration of the Homeowner Assistance (limited), Single Family Development, Multifamily Rental, Small Rental, Homebuyer Assistance, Buyout, Public Services and Economic Revitalization Programs.
  • Reallocates Harris County administered project delivery funds to the county’s housing and infrastructure programs. 
  • Increases the Harris County administered Homeowner Reimbursement Program by more than $14 million.

Action Plan Amendment 8 is available for review at  https://recovery.texas.gov/public-notices/index.html . All comments should be submitted to  cdr@recovery.texas.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 14, 2021, to be considered. Per federal requirements, the GLO must respond to public comments before the amendment can be sent to HUD for its 45-day final approval.