The Texas General Land Office (GLO) Oil Spill Toolkit is an oil spill planning and response tool developed by the GLO in coordination with the Coast Guard and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), with substantial contributions from state and federal partners. The GLO toolkit is designed to be a decision-making resource for the Gulf Coast spill response community. It includes the 8th Coast Guard District Area Contingency Plans, maps of environmentally sensitive coastal environments including resources at risk, geographic response strategies, Regional Response Team guidance, NOAA job aids, Shoreline Cleanup Assessment Technique forms, Texas Gulf beach stakeholder contact information, and oceanographic and meteorological information.

The 24th Edition of the GLO Toolkit includes maps covering Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. For questions or feedback regarding the GLO Toolkit, please contact Brent Koza at 361.438.4928 or