Commissioner George P. Bush Statement on Disaster Relief Bill Passage
Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush issued the following statement praising President Donald J. Trump and Congress for the passage and signing of close to $90 billion in disaster relief funding today:"Texas' recovery from Hurricane Harvey continues, and today's passage of disaster funding in Congress will help the state rebuild from this storm and mitigate and prepare for the next one."Harvey was an unprecedented storm for Texas, but our fighting spirit is as strong as ever. Read More
GLO announces publication of HUD guidance for Harvey long-term disaster recovery funds
Today Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush announced the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has issued its guidance for the administration of the recent award of $5.024 billion to the state of Texas to help with the long-term recovery following Hurricane Harvey. Read More
GLO and FEMA Working Through the Holiday Season to Continue Rollout of Direct Housing for Hurricane Harvey Survivors
The Texas General Land Office (GLO) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) have announced that housing assistance response team members will be proudly working through the holiday season - weekdays and weekends - in continuation of an effort to get eligible Hurricane Harvey survivors into homes."Home for the Christmas holidays has much greater meaning for those affected by Hurricane Harvey," said Commissioner Bush. Read More
Cmr. George P. Bush commends HUD Secretary Ben Carson on allocating more than $5 billion in long-term recovery funds
U.S. Senator John Cornyn, Governor Greg Abbott, Urban Development Deputy Secretary Pamela Hughes Patenaude, and Land Commissioner George P. Bush hold a press conference announcing more than $5 billion in long-term recovery funding for Texas.Today Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush joined Governor Greg Abbott and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Deputy Secretary Pamela Hughes Patenaude for a press conference regarding long-term hurricane housing recovery at the Texas State Capitol in Austin, Texas. Commissioner Bush commended Secretary Ben Carson and his U.S. Read More
Cmr. George P. Bush statement on newly announced $57.8 million in CDBG-DR funding to help Texas recover from Hurricane Harvey
Today U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson announced the allocation of an additional $57.8 million, provided through HUD's Community Development Block Grant - Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) Program, to help Texas recover from Hurricane Harvey. The funds will be administered by the Texas General Land Office's Community Development & Revitalization program."The damage from Hurricane Harvey affected more than 100,000 square miles and nearly a fifth of the counties in Texas," said Commissioner Bush. Read More
Texas GLO signs agreement negotiated for disaster assistance with FEMA
Today the Texas General Land Office (GLO) announced the signing of a finalized agreement with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) outlining the programs and funding mechanisms for the immediate disaster assistance housing needs for the state's initial Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts. The GLO, in partnership with the Councils of Government (COGs), will work with local officials from affected regions to determine which program options will best address the needs of individual communities. Read More
Texas GLO and Coast Guard to begin removing vessels displaced by Hurricane Harvey from coastal waterways
Today, Commissioner George P. Bush announced the Texas General Land Office (GLO), in conjunction with the U.S. Coast Guard, will begin removing up to 300 displaced and sunken vessels damaged in coastal waters as a result of Hurricane Harvey. For information regarding the vessel removal operation, a Hurricane Harvey vessel owner hotline has been established at (877) 458-9377. "With the magnitude of the damage from Hurricane Harvey, there is no doubt this will require a long recovery," said Commissioner George P. Bush. Read More
Governor Greg Abbott, Commissioner George P. Bush Join Forces to Help Texans Rebound from Hurricane Harvey
As part of the recovery from Hurricane Harvey, Governor Greg Abbott today announced that Land Commissioner George P. Bush will head up the state’s short-term and long-term Hurricane Harvey housing recovery efforts. Commissioner Bush will lead all housing-related recovery efforts, from quick repair of thousands of Texans’ homes that were damaged in the powerful hurricane and rain storms, to the long-term rebuilding to come."I am confident Land Commissioner Bush is up to the challenge. Read More
Commissioner George P. Bush: Texas GLO is ready to assist with Hurricane Harvey storm response efforts
AUSTIN - The Texas General Land Office (GLO) is operating on high alert and continuing preparations for Hurricane Harvey. For more than a week, the GLO has tracked the storm's progress through the Gulf of Mexico and coordinated the strategic response efforts of agency divisions. Read More