RRAC Account Request

Royalty Reporting and Control (RRAC) Account Request Form

Tex. Nat. Res. Code Ann. § 52.131 (c) (1) requires that all production/royalty reports be accompanied by an affidavit by the owner, manager or other authorized agent.

The Blanket Authorization Production Royalty Reports Affidavit (Form GLO-RA 005 Revised 11-01-1999) assigns each company a Blanket Authorization Number (BAN) and is completed before a notary and returned to this office. You'll need to become a customer of the General Land Office in order to be issued a BAN number.

Reporting companies will NOT be able to submit  GLO1, GLO2 and GLO3 production/royalty reports, unless this notarized affidavit and an Electronic Reporting Agreement are on file with the General Land Office. Complete the Electronic Reporting Agreement form and email completed document to glo123@glo.texas.gov

New RRAC Account Setup