Local Hazard Mitigation Plans

Local Hazard Mitigation Plans Program (LHMPP)

The Texas General Land Office allocated $25,000,000 to the Local Hazard Mitigation Plans Program (LHMPP). This program provides grants ranging from $20,000 - $100,000 for eligible entities to develop or update local hazard mitigation plans, or as cost share for hazard mitigation planning activities funded through other federal sources. LHMPP is funded through a Community Development Block Grant for Mitigation from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 

Program Overview
Program Map

How Can We Apply?

Apply Here
Application Guide

The program is open until July 2027, or until funding is exhausted. 
Applications will be processed for eligibility on a first-come, first-served basis. 

Eligible Entities

Eligible Activities

Develop Hazard Mitigation Plan

Develop a Local Hazard Mitigation Plan that identifies, assesses, and reduces long-term risks to life and property from hazard events, or provide cost share (local match) for funding awarded to do the same from FEMA.

Update Hazard Mitigation Plan

Update a Local Hazard Mitigation Plan within 2 years of expiration or provide cost share (local match) for funding awarded to do the same from FEMA.

For questions related to the application or program contact:


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