K-12 Education
One of the core missions of the GLO is to serve the schoolchildren of Texas. We also serve those who teach them and provide a variety of resources and services.

Texas History
Explore GLO lesson plans and other educational materials for Texas History classrooms.

U.S. History
Explore GLO lesson plans and other educational materials for U.S. History classrooms.

Professional Development
The GLO provides TEA-approved Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credit for K-12 educators. Learn more about current and future professional development opportunities.
Educational Visits
Interested in taking your class to the GLO Archives, or in requesting a visit from our education team? Contact the Archives for more information about our educational tours and programs.

Family Activities
Inspired by items in the collections, the GLO Archives has created a series of fun activities for kids of all ages. Navigate puzzles, create works of art, and learn about the rich history contained in the Archives.
Digital & Map Resources
The GLO Archives offers educators at the K-12 and higher education levels digital and map resources to support learning outcomes in the classroom. These include six centuries of historical and GIS maps, and Texas Hidden History, a series of ArcGIS StoryMaps on Texas history topics.