Temporary Housing Program

Temporary Housing Program

Following the events of Hurricane Harvey, the GLO was asked to stand-up a temporary housing program funded by FEMA. This was the first time a state had been asked to run this type of program and magnitude.  Now that the program has ended the GLO remains ready, to serve Texas in this manner, if and when called upon.

The FEMA Direct Housing Mission has the potential to include programs such as:

  • Manufactured Homes 
  • Travel Trailers 
  • Direct Lease
  • Multifamily Repair
  • Permanent Housing Construction (called Direct Assistance for Limited Home Repair – DALHR, during Hurricane Harvey)

The Hurricane Harvey Short Term Housing mission is a locally led, state supported and federally funded effort to return Texans to their homes and communities as quickly and safely as possible. 

The 2017 FEMA application process for these programs ended November 30, 2017. These programs are available with a presidential declaration tied to a specific disaster.


Direct Temporary Housing Solutions

Direct Temporary Housing Solutions are FEMA individual assistance programs that and are locally led, state supported and federally funded Hurricane Harvey program. The programs were implemented with state and local officials determining how to best meet the needs of their communities, with technical assistance from the federal government.

Temporary Housing Units (THU) Sales to Occupants Program

Recently FEMA has granted a Temporary Housing Units (THU) Sales to Occupants program for Hurricane Harvey survivors still residing in federally funded manufactured housing units and travel trailers. Commissioner Bush sent an official request on October 12, 2018 requesting the sales program be made available for eligible survivors in counties and municipalities wishing to participate in the program.