Tomorrow morning Veteran's of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 6873 and Taylor County will host an informational meeting with Texas General Land Office (GLO) Commissioner George P. Bush. Commissioner Bush will address Abilene and Taylor County leaders and participants will hear how the GLO and VLB collaborate with veterans service organizations and intergovernmental entities to serve veterans. Joining Commissioner Bush for this special event will be: Abilene Mayor Norm Archibald, Taylor County Judge Downing Bolls, County Commissioner Chuck Statler, Police Chief Stan Standridge, Gerri Matthew of Disabled American Veterans Chapter 36, and the event host, Kevin Wade, Commander of VFW Post 6873.
WHAT: Veterans Day Meet & Greet with Texas Land Commissioner and Veterans Land Board Chairman George P. Bush, additional elected officials and honored guests
WHERE: VFW Post 6873, 1049 Veterans Drive, Abilene, Texas 79605
WHEN: Wednesday, Nov. 11, 2015, 9:00 - 10:30 a.m.
For additional information on Texas State Veterans Homes, Cemeteries and special home, land and home improvement loans for Texas veterans, call 1-800-252-VETS (1-800-252-8387), or visit the VLB website at texasveterans. Follow the Texas Veterans Land Board at, or on Twitter at, or YouTube at