Recovery Funds

Hurricane Harvey

Through multiple appropriations from Congress, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has allocated more than $5.676 billion in Community Development Block Grants for Disaster Recovery funds to the State of Texas for long-term disaster recovery. The GLO will administer these funds for housing, infrastructure and planning through state and local programs.

The State Action Plan for Hurricane Harvey has been published and approved for the initial $57.8 million allocation. An Action Plan for the subsequent allocation of $5.024 billion, the largest single allocation in history, was initially approved by HUD on June 25, 2018. Amendment 1 to the $5.024 State Action Plan was approved by HUD on December 11, 2018 and details the local recovery plans for Harris County and the City of Houston for their direct allocations from the GLO. 

These plans can be found on the Hurricane Harvey Action Plan Page.

HUD approved the second amendment to the GLO $5.024 billion state Action Plan for Hurricane Harvey on February 25, 2019. The amendment detailed how the GLO will use the $652 million to supplement current Hurricane Harvey programs being implemented by the GLO, as well as additional programs in Harris County and the city of Houston.

To expedite the recovery process with these funds, the GLO is administering a number of programs including a multi-family recovery program, and a repair reimbursement program. The GLO continues to encourage all impacted homeowners to keep receipts for any repairs made on their home, to include insurance and FEMA funds, to determine CDBG-DR funding eligibility. 

Homeowner Assistance Program ($1.334 billion): Provides funding for rehabilitation and reconstruction of owner-occupied single-family homes damaged by Hurricane Harvey.

Local Buyout and Acquisition Program ($189 million): Local governments may buyout or acquire eligible homes at a pre-storm or post-storm fair market value to move homeowners out of harm’s way outside of a floodplain to a lower-risk area.

Homeowner Reimbursement Program ($100 million): Allows homeowners to be reimbursed for certain out-of-pocket expenses incurred for repairs to their home including reconstruction, rehabilitation or mitigation up to $50,000.

Affordable Rental Program ($586 million): Provides funding for rehabilitation, reconstruction and new construction of affordable multi-family housing units in areas impacted by Hurricane Harvey.

Economic Revitalization Program ($100 million): Allows for interim assistance to small businesses (up to $250,000) impacted by Hurricane Harvey through deferred forgivable loans in exchange for job creation or retention for low-to-moderate income employees. Small business within Harris County and the city of Houston will be eligible to apply for this program.

Local Infrastructure Program ($413 million): Repairs, enhances and restores infrastructure for local communities impacted by Hurricane Harvey as part of a comprehensive long-term recovery program. Match for FEMA Public Assistance and Hazard Mitigation Grant Programs may be eligible.

Local, Regional & State Planning ($137 million): In collaboration with local communities, the GLO will conduct planning studies in the impacted areas with the purpose of promoting sound regional long-term recovery.

Harris County - Direct Allocation ($896 million): Harris County has elected to develop their own local recovery programs with exception of the Economic Revitalization Program. 

GLO's Homeowner Assistance Program in Houston: Houston homeowners affected by Hurricane Harvey who need help in repairing or rebuilding their homes can now apply for assistance with the GLO.

PREPS Program - State Match ($72.7 million): As a Hurricane Harvey Public Assistance program, FEMA pays for 90% of the expenses, and the GLO has allocated these CDBG-DR to cover the remaining 10% needed for the program. 


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