Occupational Therapy
Assists residents in recovering or developing skills needed for the activities of daily living, including self-care, leisure, independent living and work.

Physical Therapy
Assists residents dealing with illness, disease or injury. Therapy can improve mobility, strength, flexibility, coordination, endurance, and even reduce pain.

Speech Therapy
Skilled speech therapists diagnose and treat residents dealing with language, speech, swallowing and cognition-related problems.
Alternative Therapies
In addition to the therapies listed above, the Veterans homes may offer the following as well:

Art Therapy
As an expressive medium, art can be used to help residents communicate and overcome stress.

Equine Therapy
Offers the relationship with a non-judgemental animal, and it allows recovery from trauma without forcing Veterans to re-experience traumatic events.

Military Veteran Peer Network
No one is better prepared to speak with a Veteran about their experiences than another Veteran. This organization offers emotional support through one-on-one peer support and group support.

Music Therapy
Used to help our residents cope with the grief that comes with losing much of their independence and physical strength and to improve memory, movement and tranquility.

One-on-One PTS Support
Often Veterans want to speak with someone about their trauma so we offer this service to our Veterans who prefer one-on-one support. We require all staff to be trained annually on Post-Traumatic Stress, dementia, communication and understanding the military Veteran.

Pet Therapy
Provides unconditional love and comfort. As well as being wonderful companions, pets also provide significant health benefits. Studies show depression can be significantly reduced when interacting with animals.

PTS Support Group
For those Veterans ready to talk about their trauma, a variety of professionals are available to facilitate support groups in each Veterans home.

Snoezelen Room
A calming environment which uses a snoezelen machine that utilizes calming lights, music, sights and smells to soothe residents.

Tai Chi
Reduces the level of stress, pain, and fatigue while improving the ability to sleep well.

Writing Therapy
Writing helps to put the resident's feelings into perspective and get them off their heart and out into the open.

Yoga helps our residents relieve stress, find peace, deal with Post-Traumatic Stress, and maintain optimal fitness.