Behind the scenes look: Richard A. Anderson Texas State Veterans Home

Contact Karina Erickson Press Secretary Texas General Land Office

The Richard A. Anderson Texas State Veterans Home is set to open in the spring of 2019. On Friday, October 26th, 2018 Texas General Land Commissioner George P. Bush led a behind the scenes tour to give the public a first look at the progress made on this exciting development in our community. 

The Richard A. Anderson Texas State Veterans Home represents over a $44 million dollar investment in the city and will provide over 120-140 full and part-time jobs for the city of Houston. The Home will house 120 residents in a small house neighborhood community, creating a state of the art facility for our Veterans to receive the care they deserve.


Commissioner Bush with Les Anderson, Brother of Richard A. Anderson during behind the scenes tour of the newest Texas State Veterans Home

“Our veterans deserve top-notch care and a place to call home,” said Commissioner George P. Bush. “Our studies show that Houston is the most underserved veterans community in the State of Texas. Due to the overwhelming need, the Veterans Land Board worked together with the City of Houston to make this 9th Texas State Veterans home a reality. I look forward to seeing the completion of the home and furthering our service to the Veterans of Texas.” 

The TX Veteran who was selected as the honoree for this home’s designation gave his life in Vietnam to save a fellow Marine. LCpl Richard A. Anderson died valiantly on August 24, 1969, in South Vietnam. Anderson was on patrol when his unit was suddenly attacked by a concealed enemy force. He was knocked to the ground, wounded in both legs. Despite his injuries, Anderson did not relent providing heavy fire against the enemy. He has wounded again before a fellow Marine made it to his position to administer first aid – Anderson continued to fire at the enemy. An enemy grenade landed in between Anderson and the other soldier; Anderson immediately rolled over the grenade and shielded his companion from the explosion. LCpl Richard A. Anderson died in the explosion. On September 15, 1971, Vice President T. Agnew presented Anderson’s family with a Congressional Medal of Honor. He is laid to rest at Forest Park Cemetery in Houston, Texas. In Honor of Lance Corporal Anderson’s sacrifice for his fellow Marines and his country, the Veterans Land Board officially designated the new Houston home the Richard A. Anderson Texas State Veterans Home. 
Watch Commissioner Bush’s Tour of the Richard A. Anderson Texas State Veterans Home Tour 


Commissioner George P. Bush tours construction progress of the Richard A. Anderson Texas State Veterans Home
