Contact Karina Erickson Press Secretary Texas General Land Office

On Wednesday, December 18, 2019 the  Lamun-Lusk Sanchez  Texas State Veterans Home will showcase custom designed Military art work by one of their local Marine Veterans. 

Gerald King, local Marine Veteran from Coahoma, Texas has custom designed and painted metal Military art work representing each Military Branch: Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines, Navy as well as the POW, the American Flag and the Texas Flag. In honor and celebration of him, the Veterans Home will be unveiling the art work to the Veterans and Residents during the Resident Christmas Party.  The art work will be on display in the main Dining Room for all Residents, Family, Staff, and Visitors to enjoy.   

Wednesday, December 18, 2019 
 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. 
Lamun-Lusk Sanchez Texas State Veterans Home 
1809 N. HWY 87, Big Spring, TX 79720 

This event is closed to the public.Media is welcome to attend and we ask that you  RSVP in order to facilitate your attendance .  
The VLB Texas State Veterans Homes provide affordable, long-term care for Texas Veterans, their spouses and Gold Star parents. Conveniently located across Texas, each first-class facility is designed to enhance quality of life with a clean, caring and dignified setting appropriate to those men and women who have served our country with honor.