Commissioner Buckingham Continues Series on General Land Office's Voices of Veterans Oral History Program

Contact Kimberly Hubbard

Today,  Texas Land Commissioner and Veterans Land Board (VLB) Chairwoman Dawn Buckingham, M.D. is proud to introduce the next installment of the series highlighting the VLB's Voices of Veterans oral history program. In this episode, we hear the story of Texas Veteran Glen Pugh, who was born in Tyler, Texas.

To listen to Texas Veteran Glen Pugh's tell his story visit:

Chief Master Sergeant (CMSgt) Glen Pugh joined the U.S. Air Force in 1988. During his 30 year career with the Air Force, he was an Aircraft Armament Systems Specialist, a Training Instructor and a First Sergeant. As a highly trained specialist, he enjoyed working on the A-10 "Warthog" Thunderbolt II known for having teeth painted on the nose cone due to the plane's aggressive style.

CMSgt Pugh served our nation with distinction in Jordan and Korea. He was also deployed for Operation Desert Storm, Operation Southern Watch, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). 

In 2018, CMSgt Pugh retired from the U.S. Air Force. He is still giving back to his community as an Outreach Specialist for the VLB. Through his hard work and dedication, he serves the Veterans in Abilene, Texas every day.

Voices of Veterans is the first Veteran oral history program undertaken by a state agency and records the stories of Texas Veterans through their time in service and after returning home from combat.

Veterans interested in including their story in the Voices of Veterans oral history program can contact the VLB at 512-475-1248. Veterans can also fill out a contact form at Please note that the Veteran must be a resident of Texas at time of interview. 

The Voices of Veterans oral history program records the stories of Texas Veterans and archives their interviews in the Office of Veterans Records at the Texas General Land Office (GLO) for use by future researchers, historians, genealogists and the general public to inspire future generations and remind us of our Veterans' sacrifices.

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