Commissioner Buckingham Announces 2023 Holiday Wreath Laying Ceremonies at Abilene, Corpus Christi and Mission Texas State Veterans Cemeteries

Contact Kimberly Hubbard

Today,  Veterans Land Board Chairwoman and Texas Land Commissioner Dawn Buckingham, M.D. announced the 2023 Holiday Wreath Laying Ceremonies at Abilene, Corpus Christi and Mission Texas State Veterans Cemeteries on  Saturday,  December 16. This year, the VLB is working with Wreaths Across America at three VLB cemeteries to ensure all of our Veterans and family members are honored and remembered.

RSVPs are not required to attend ceremonies. Volunteers are encouraged to participate. Sponsor a wreath at  Wreaths Across America.



Texas State Veterans Cemetery at Abilene 
Ceremony begins: 11:00 AM 
Wreath laying to follow ceremony 
Cemetery location: 7457 W. Lake Road 
                                   Abilene, Texas 79601


Coastal Bend State Veterans Cemetery 
Ceremony begins: 11 AM 
Parking will be limited due to current expansion projects. Three free park-and-ride sites will be available for family and volunteers. Buses will run every 15 minutes. 

Park and Ride locations:

  • Tuloso-Midway Primary School Parking Lot 
    3125 Deer Run, Corpus Christi, TX 78410
  • Corpus Christi Cross Field 
    10002 Up River Road, Corpus Christi, TX 78410
  • Arlington Heights Church of Christ Parking Lot 
    2722 Rand Morgan Rd, Corpus Christi, TX 78410

Cemetery location: 9974 IH 37 Access Road 
                                   Corpus Christi, Texas 78410


Rio Grande Valley State Veterans Cemetery 
Ceremony begins: 9 AM 
Cemetery location: 2520 South Inspiration Road 
                                   Mission, Texas 78572