VLB, Texas Veterans Commission, and the University of Texas at Tyler to Host East Texas Back 2 School Veterans Resource Fair

Contact Kimberly Hubbard

Today, Texas Land Commissioner and Veterans Land Board (VLB) Chairwoman Dawn Buckingham, M.D. is pleased to invite members of the press to attend the East Texas Back 2 School Veterans Resource Fair on Saturday, August 10, 2024, at the University Center Ballroom on the UT Tyler campus from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The VLB, the Texas Veterans Commission (TVC), and UT Tyler’s Military Veterans Success Center created this event to serve local Veterans.

Veterans should bring their DD-214 forms and register to attend the free event by clicking the button below:

Back 2 School Veterans Resource Fair



WHO: VLB, TVC, and UT Tyler’s Military Veterans Success Center

WHAT: East Texas Back 2 School Veterans Resources Fair 

WHEN: Saturday, August 10, 2024, 10 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

WHERE: UT Tyler University Center Ballroom 
                3900 University Boulevard 
                Tyler, Texas 75799

We ask media planning to attend the event to RSVP at media@glo.texas.gov . We encourage press coverage of this event before Saturday to ensure the community is aware of this opportunity to learn about resources for Veterans and help their families prepare for the 2024 school year.

The resource fair will serve Veterans in the following counties: Smith, Henderson, Van Zandt, Wood, Upshur, Gregg, and Rusk. VLB will also collect school supplies and donate them to the Army Reserves complex, distributing them to soldiers and their families to help them prepare for the upcoming school year.

There will be several opportunities for Veterans and their families to explore, including:

  • Speaking with VLB representatives from our loan programs, the Watkins-Logan Texas State Veterans Home, Texas State Veterans Cemeteries, and in-network VLB home mortgage lenders.
  • Learning more about TVC programs regarding claims, employment, women Veterans, Health Care Advocacy, and the Military Peer Service Coordinator.
  • Visiting with local, statewide non-profits and government agencies that provide resources to the area, like the Texas Veterans Network, Camp V, and more.

The VLB's mission is to provide the best package of Veterans' benefits in the country, and it strives to meet this goal every day. For nearly 80 years, the VLB has been honored to serve Veterans, Military Members, and their families in Texas.