Filed Date: December 16, 2024
Event Date: December 16, 2024 17:00PM
Board: Federal Consistency
On January 10, 1997, the State of Texas received federal approval of the Coastal Management Program (CMP) (62 Federal Register pp. 1439 - 1440). Under federal law, federal agency activities and actions affecting the Texas coastal zone must be consistent with the CMP goals and policies identified in 31 TAC Chapter 26. Requests for federal consistency review were deemed administratively complete for the following project(s) during the period of, November 18, 2024 to December 6, 2024. As required by federal law, the public is given an opportunity to comment on the consistency of proposed activities in the coastal zone undertaken or authorized by federal agencies. Pursuant to 31 TAC §§30.20(f), 30.30(h), and 30.40(e), the public comment period extends 30 days from the date published on the Texas General Land Office web site. The notice was published on the web site on Friday, December 16, 2024. The public comment period for this project will close at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, January 15, 2025.
Federal License and Permit Activities:
Applicant: The Park Board of Trustees of the City of Galveston
Location: The project site is located along the shoreline of the Gulf of Mexico beginning at the South Jetty and extending westward for approximately 59,265 linear feet to the terminus of the seawall, in Galveston, Galveston County, Texas. The reach between 47th Street to 51st Street will be excluded to avoid the seawater intake system maintained by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
Latitude and Longitude:
Begin Beach Fill Template: Latitude: 29.331535, -94.726217
End Beach Fill Template: Latitude: 29.241835, -94.868599
Project Description: The applicant is proposing beach nourishment activities which will result in the permanent placement of a maximum of 2 million cubic yards of beach quality sand material along 59,265 linear feet of Gulf of Mexico shoreline for the purpose of re-establishing a degraded section of shoreline to provide a more stable and resilient coast and reduce erosion. The scope of work includes (1) the removal of sand either by hydraulic cutterhead dredge or hopper dredge methods from submerged borrow sources or by excavating sand from upland borrow sources as depicted on the project plans, (2) the transportation of sand by either pumping sand through a temporary offshore pipeline (submerged at the approximate -15 foot depth contour and resting on the sea shore) from submerged borrow sources or by trucks which will be used to haul the sand from the upland borrow sites to the beach nourishment template, and (3) the placement and redistribution of sand within the template using heavy equipment. The temporary pipelines used to transport the dredge sand material could be located either upland, offshore (extending from either from the hydraulic cutterhead dredge or the hopper dredge and submerged and resting on top of the sea floor), or a combination of upland and offshore at the locations depicted on the project plans. The temporary pipeline will extend from either the hydraulic cutterhead dredge or the hopper dredge to the designated beach placement area within designated corridors and will run parallel to the beach from the South Jetty Borrow Area until it is directed towards the beach. Temporary crossings will be placed over groins to allow vehicular traffic to pass unimpeded. These temporary bridges will be constructed of an approximate 3-foot, compacted sand pad covered with timber mats as depicted in the project plans. The applicant is not proposing any mitigation.
Type of Application: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers permit application # SWG-2000-02888. This application will be reviewed pursuant to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Note: The consistency review for this project may be conducted by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality as part of its certification under §401 of the Clean Water Act.
CMP Project No: 25-1078-F1
Further information on the applications listed above, including a copy of the consistency certifications or consistency determinations for inspection, may be obtained from the Texas General Land Office Public Information Officer at 1700 N. Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701, or via email at Comments should be sent to the Texas General Land Office Coastal Management Program Coordinator at the above address or via email at