The Trust for Public Land (TPL) will purchase approximately 67 acres of coastal habitat at McAllis Point, located in Galveston County. After TPL acquires the property, it will be conveyed to an appropriate public steward, who will be the ultimate fee titleholder. This project complements and enhances already completed wetland restoration/protection projects at Galveston Island State Park, Jumbile Cove, Delehide Cove and Starvation Cove. The project will also enhance other completed wetland restoration/protection projects in West Galveston Bay including West Bay Bird Island, Halls Lake, North Deer Island, and the West Bay Conservation Corridor. The acquisition of this tract could further facilitate the protection and restoration of coastal habitats adjacent to the site. For Phase 1, TPL purchased approximately 60 acres of land at McAllis Point with non-CIAP funds and conveyed the fee title to Galveston County for long-term management and conservation. Phase 1 was completed in July 2007