Under Phase II, the City of Corpus Christi will increase public access and environmental enhancements by performing the following activities on the southern portion of the refuge: 1.) Replace a highly degraded 3,300 linear foot asphalt nature trail with an ADA-accessible, water permeable decomposed granite trail; 2.) Reroute the trail away from an eroding shoreline where the trail is in danger of being undermined and washed away; 3.) Install six educational signs interpreting coastal wildlife and explaining the need for environmental enhancements such as water conservation, invasive species control, and nonpoint source pollution abatement; 4.) Build an ADA-accessible wildlife viewing platform; 5.) Remove invasive species such as Brazilian peppertree, lead ball tree, and Chinese tallow; and, 6.) Increase species diversity by planting native plants near trail heads and other locations in the refuge.
- CMP 306A