Grant Administration Reporting

Grant Administration Reporting

HUD requires that grantees enter information in the Disaster Recovery Grant Reporting (DRGR) system in sufficient detail to permit the Department’s review of grantee performance on a quarterly basis through the Quarterly Performance Report (QPR) and to enable remote review of grantee data to allow HUD to assess compliance and risk.

Reports and GLO Contract Reporting

Reports and GLO Contract Reporting

HUD DRGR / QPR Reports

HUD DRGR / QPR Reports

Subrecipient Grant Reporting for Disaster Grants 2015 / 2016 / Hurricane Harvey

The Texas Integrated Grant Reporting (TIGR) site allows subrecipients and other participants in the CDR Grants Relief program to self-manage applications, contracts, projects, and submit trouble tickets and cases.

TIGR login page:

Subrecipient Grant Reporting for Disaster Grants Prior to 2015

The Texas Recovery System (T-RecS) is the system of record for the Disaster Recovery Program for disaster grants prior to 2015.

For assistance with:

  • User Access/Permissions
  • Password Resets
  • Technical Assistance

Please email

For program questions, please contact your GLO Grant Manager.

TRecS Training Videos

For additional information about the DRGR system and GLO's reporting visit:

Important resources, links, and services for disaster recovery


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