GIS Maps and Data

Historically, Texans have turned to the Texas General Land Office for maps and other tools used to display and organize information about the state’s rich natural resources.

Besides historical maps, research, and data, today the Land Office uses Geographic Information Systems (GIS), aerial imagery, 3D elevation data, and field data collection to compile, analyze, and distribute the most accurate geospatial data possible about the location of natural and cultural resources. These tools support the critical business functions of the General Land Office, and are essential for the study and protection of our state's valued resources. This GIS page contains a collection of dynamic, interactive mapping tools that provide access to the vast collection of spatial data available at the agency, as well as download links for our authoritative datasets.

Please contact the Geospatial Team at or (512) 463-4352 with questions, comments, concerns.



Currently recruiting paid GIS Interns for the 2025-2026 academic year.


ENTRY DEADLINE: Friday, April 11, 2025 6:00 p.m. Central

The Texas General Land Office makes no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy or completeness of the information depicted in these mapping applications, in downloads from this page, or the data from which it was produced. These datasets ARE NOT suitable for navigational purposes and do not purport to depict or establish boundaries between private and public land.

Map Viewers

Land & Lease Mapping Viewer

Land and Lease Mapping Viewer

 The Land and Lease Mapping Viewer, an interactive mapping application, provides access to vast collections of land- and energy-related data at the General Land Office. The Land and Lease Viewer displays upland and submerged Original Texas Land Survey boundaries, Permanent School Fund land, upland and coastal leases, oil and gas well locations, and current aerial imagery. This version does not require a third-party plugin and is compatible with most mobile devices.

Texas Beach Watch

Texas Beach Watch

The goal of the Texas Beach Watch Web application is to provide the public with information about water quality at selected recreational beaches along the Texas coast.


Texas Coasts

Texas Coasts

Find your perfect beach! From fishing and boat ramps, to camping and BBQ—the Texas coast provides a wealth of resources to all visitors. The GLO is proud to offer this free resource to help you explore all that our shores have to offer.


Energy Map of Texas

Energy Map of Texas

Scroll through the pages to view interactive maps and information about the state’s energy history. Use the slider bar at the bottom of the Energy Map of Texas to get a more detailed view.


Texas Hidden History

Texas Hidden History

Texans have long turned to the Texas General Land Office (GLO) for maps and other tools used to display and organize information about the state’s rich natural resources. Since 2014, one such GLO initiative is Texas Hidden History (THH), a collaborative project between the GLO’s Archives and Records and Geospatial Technology Services Team. In 2020 the initiative was expanded to use Esri GIS software to produce narrative StoryMaps on Texas History topics that align with GLO collections strengths.

Coastal Resource Management Viewer

Coastal Resource Management Viewer

Resource Management Codes (RMCs) are assigned to state-owned tracts in Texas bays and the Gulf of Mexico, providing development guidelines for activities within each tract. The codes enhance protection of sensitive natural resources by providing recommendations for minimizing adverse impacts from mineral exploration and development activities. The codes include recommendations from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Marine Fisheries Service, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Texas Historical Commission, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

CMP Grant Dashboard

CMP Grant and CEPRA Projects Dashboard

Projects funded by Coastal Management Program (CMP) and Coastal Erosion Planning and Response Act (CEPRA) since 2010.


Texas Coastal Sediments Geodatabase

Texas Coastal Sediments Geodatabase

The Texas Coastal Sediments Geodatabase (TxSed) contains sediment-related geospatial and geotechnical data. TxSed can help identify compatible sediment resources for proposed beach nourishment or habitat restoration projects and can be used as an aid in the permitting/regulatory processes for such projects.

If you would like to contribute data to the Texas Coastal Sediments Geodatabase (TxSed), please email us at

Oil Spill Response Mapping Tool

Oil Spill Response Mapping Tool

The Oil Spill Response Mapping Tool contains information from the Oil Spill Toolkit, TGLO coastal resources, and NOAA. Use the provided tools to generate reports for ICS forms, identify sensitive habitats and species, view maritime information, query spatial data, and other mapping activities.

CDBG Disaster Recover Mapping Viewer

CDBG Disaster Recovery Mapping Viewer

This interactive tool displays the Community Development Block Grant Program information, including demographics, awards, and FEMA claims.

Texas Beach Adopters Map

Texas Beach Adopters Map

Adopt a stretch of beach today! Are you committed to helping ensure Texas beaches are trash-free? Then consider adopting one! Our adopters pledge to clean a designated stretch of Texas coastline, a minimum of three times a year for two years. Many adopters are long-time stewards of Texas beaches and renew their membership year after year. With this interactive map, learn which stretches of Texas beach are available for adoption.

GIS Data Downloads

Aerial Imagery and LiDAR Data

Aerial Imagery and LiDAR Data

The Aerial Imagery and LiDAR Data Collection provides low-resolution catalogs of flights from 1938 to the present, for various areas within the Coastal Zone. For the high-resolution images, contact the General Land Office.


Beach Access Points

Beach Access Points

Public beach access points mapped by the GLO, in cooperation with coastal cities and counties.


Coastal Leases (Points)

Coastal Leases (Points)

Locations of structures and activities permitted by the GLO within state-owned land and waters. Includes features represented by a single point location, such as piers, docks, breakwaters, and shoreline protection projects.


Coastal Leases (Polygons)

Coastal Leases (Polygons)

Locations of structures and activities permitted by the GLO within state-owned land and waters. Includes areal features such as dredging areas, parks, mitigation projects, and conservation easements.


Coastal Zone Boundary

Coastal Zone Boundary

The official boundary of the Texas Coastal Management Program (CMP). The area lying generally seaward of the coastal facility designation line, which is the line adopted under the Oil Spill Prevention and Response Act of 1991, to describe areas where oil spills are likely to enter tidal waters. The layer also includes wetlands landward of the coastal facility designation line, generally within one mile from the shoreline, along the extreme inland reach of certain tidal rivers and streams.

Dispersant Use Pre-Approval Zone

Dispersant Use Pre-Approval Zone

Boundaries of pre-approved area for use of dispersant in oil spill response. Boundaries were created by combining the 10-meter offshore bathymetric contour and the three nautical mile line. The boundary follows whichever line is farthest offshore. Data are not to be used for navigation or for mapping at large scales.

Environmental Sensitivity Index Shoreline

Environmental Sensitivity Index Shoreline

Shoreline of Texas with sensitivity classification of habitats to oil contamination and removal. Classification conducted by the University of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology.


Hard Mineral Leases

Hard Mineral Leases

Contains basic information about active Hard Mineral Leases (minerals other than oil and gas) issued by or through the General Land Office. The information in this layer represents a snapshot in time. As new leases are added, expired, or terminated, they are removed from the active layer.

In-Situ Burn Exclusion Areas

In-Situ Burn Exclusion Areas

Areas, designated by the Oil Spill Regional Response Team VI, where in-situ burns are prohibited.


Miscellaneous Easements

Miscellaneous Easements

Easements for pipelines, power lines, bridges, and other miscellaneous infrastructure located on state-owned upland and submerged lands.


Navigation Districts

Navigation Districts

Submerged lands granted with mineral reservations by the Texas legislature to Navigation Districts.


Offshore Oil & Gas Structures

Offshore Oil and Gas Structures

Oil and gas platforms or wells that are above the waterline, located in GLO-managed waters (bays or the Gulf of Mexico). Data includes, location, type, and GLO site number.


Oil & Gas Leases

Oil and Gas Leases

Oil and Gas Leases managed by the Texas General Land Office.

Active Leases Inactive Leases

Oil & Gas Units

Oil and Gas Units

Oil and Gas pooling agreements managed by the Texas General Land Office.

Active Units Inactive Units

Oil & Gas Lease Sale Nominated Tracts

Oil and Gas Lease Sale Nominated Tracts

Tracts that have been nominated for the Oil and Gas lease sale.



Original Texas Land Survey (OTLS) - Land Grid

The Texas General Land Office (GLO) uses a land grid provided by IFS | Energy and Resources. GLO is able to display the layer in our mapping viewers but, by agreement, is not authorized to distribute the data. Please contact IFS | Energy and Resources to acquire this dataset. An alternative version of the OTLS layer was created by, and is available from, the Railroad Commission of Texas (RRC). Please note that because the Railroad Commission created this land grid, you should expect geometric and attribute differences between the two datasets.

Disclaimer: Land Survey and Well Data are derived from the IFS Tobin Grid and Well products by IFS Energy and Resources. All rights reserved. For information on licensing IFS Tobin products, contact IFS Energy and Resources at 800-365-4484 or

Permanent School Fund Lands Map Snip-it

Permanent School Fund Lands

The Texas General Land Office has responsibility for the oversight and management of approximately thirteen million acres of land that has been constitutionally dedicated to the Permanent School Fund (PSF) in over two hundred Texas counties across the state. Leases on these lands are typically issued for agriculturally related uses such as farming, grazing, hunting, timber production and recreation, as well as energy exploration.

Priority Protection Habitat Areas

Priority Protection Habitat Areas

Priority coastal habitat areas to be protected during oil or hazardous material spills on the Texas coast. Areas were identified and prioritized by Texas Parks and Wildlife (TPWD) and GLO personnel, in cooperation with other entities.

Species & Habitats

Species and Habitats

Coastal distribution of animals, plants, and habitats potentially at risk from oil spill damage or response activities. Mapped as part of a joint project involving GLO, TPWD, and other entities.


State Agency Lands

State Agency Lands

Contains tracts identified as owned by various state agencies (universities, Department of Criminal Justice, state parks, Texas School for the Blind, and other Non-PSF lands) that have a mineral interest, whether all or in part. In-depth records research is necessary to make an actual determination of mineral status. The collection is not complete and is a work-in-progress, with periodic, but infrequent, addition of new parcels.

State Submerged Tracts with Resource Management Codes

State Submerged Tracts with Resource Management Codes

State-owned tracts in bays and gulf waters, owned and leased by the GLO, with codes added that reflect restrictions and concerns associated with leasing of these tracts.

Three Marine League Line

Three Marine League Line

Boundary between state and federal jurisdiction, located three marine leagues (approximately 10 miles) offshore in the Gulf of Mexico.


Three Nautical Mile Line

Three Nautical Mile Line

Line of demarcation three nautical miles offshore in the Gulf of Mexico.



Upland Surface Leases

Upland Surface Leases

Upland surface leases managed by the Texas General Land Office.

Contact Us

If you have a question about the Land program, find the right contact in our GLO Agency Directory