The Texas Coastal Zone
The Texas Coastal Nonpoint Source Pollution Program works with communities within the Texas Coastal Zone. The Texas Coastal Zone includes all or part of 18 counties along the Gulf of Mexico, encompassing almost 9 million acres. More than 6 million people live in Texas coastal counties, accounting for nearly one quarter of the state's population.
The Texas coast is a vital component to the Texas economy, providing billions in economic value to the state. The region serves as the state's main trade hub and generates more than one-fifth of the energy produced in the United States. In addition, the Texas coast supports a variety of other industries, including manufacturing, commercial and recreational fishing, tourism, agriculture, and forestry.
Water quality throughout the region varies widely from pristine, high-quality waters to those that are too polluted to meet water quality standards established by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. These water quality problems stem from a wide array of pollutants associated with point sources and nonpoint sources of pollution within coastal watersheds.
The economy, cultural heritage, and environmental quality of the communities throughout the Texas coast are inextricably linked to the health of tidal streams, bays, and estuaries along the Gulf Coast. Texas coastal waters sustain freshwater and marine water habitats that, in turn, support an abundance of fish and wildlife, tourism, and recreation. Threats to water quality, coastal habitats, fish and wildlife populations, and public safety are direct threats to the Gulf Coast economy.
Reduce Nonpoint Source Pollution In Your County
Click on your county of interest below to discover a variety of resources that will help reduce water quality issues.
Continue Exploring the Texas Coastal Zone

Get to Know Your Coastal Zone
The Texas Coastal Zone is home to a wealth of natural resources - from winding rivers to sandy beaches - all of which are enjoyed by a booming population.

Understanding Stormwater Runoff
Water quality in Texas' tidal streams, bays, and estuaries is influenced by the quality and volume of water that washes in. Protecting stormwater quality is critical to maintaining the fragile balance that coastal ecosystems depend on.

Dive Deeper: Stormwater Solutions for the Texas Coast
Discover how sustainable stormwater strategies can work together with development to reduce stormwater runoff, while also providing numerous environmental and economic benefits.