Where We Work | FAQ | Contact Clean Coast Texas
Our Mission
Clean Coast Texas works to ensure vibrant and sustainable fisheries, shellfish, and eco-tourism industries through planning, constructed improvements, environmental analysis, technical resources, and partnership activities that enhance water quality management.
Who We Are
Clean Coast Texas is an initiative of the Texas General Land Office Coastal Management Program’s Coastal Nonpoint Source Pollution program. Clean Coast Texas collaborates with communities at the nexus of water quality and stormwater runoff, hazard mitigation, and resiliency to sustain strong economies throughout the Texas Gulf Coast.
The Texas General Land Office serves as the lead state agency with program efforts coordinated by The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment at Texas State University in collaboration with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, Texas Community Watershed Partners, Texas Sea Grant, Doucet & Associates, and Anchor QEA.
The Texas Coastal Zone is an important ecological and recreational area whose water quality is challenged by pollution, wastewater discharge, and runoff from rapid development. For more information on the Texas Coastal Zone, click here.
Who We Serve
Clean Coast Texas serves coastal communities by providing local governments, developers, and the general public with information and tools to better manage stormwater quality and quantity. The tools and guidance provided throughout this website can help Texas coastal communities implement measures to reduce the impact of development on the environment and protect the natural resources that support a thriving Gulf Coast economy.
If you are a resident of the coastal zone and want to learn more about the unique features of the Texas coast, our impacts on the region, and what you can do at home to improve the water quality of our region, click here.
If you are an elected official, decisionmaker, or already know about coastal nonpoint source pollution and are here for technical guidance on ways to implement stormwater best management practices, upgrade existing developments, or model an ordinance to address stormwater runoff, click here.

Striving for Resilience
Protecting our water resources from the impacts of nonpoint source pollution is a complex challenge. Learn the basics of stormwater runoff and its impact on the Texas Coastal Zone.