University of Texas at Austin assess the breaching susceptibility along the Texas Gulf of Mexico barrier island, barrier peninsula, and strandplain system. UT will use the most recent airborne lidar and aerial imagery datasets available at the time of the study as well as post-storm imagery available for selected past tropical cyclones affecting each part of the Texas Gulf shoreline to (1) conduct detailed geologic mapping along a swath adjacent to the Gulf shoreline to identify washover channels and deposits associated with storms in the recent geologic past, (2) analyze breaches and washover erosion and deposition patterns associated with selected recent tropical cyclones for which storm intensity, surge height, and surge duration are well known, (3) determine beach and dune system elevations, volumetrics, continuity, and stabilization status related to vegetation density, and (4) create a breaching vulnerability index (BSI) based on past washover and current dune volumetrics, continuity, and stabilization. This Phase 2 portion of the study will cover the upper coast (GLO Coastal Planning Region 2-4).
- CMP 309
- Federal