Improvements to the Wastewater Treatment of Nueces County


The Nueces River Authority will install equipment to replace obsolete, non-functioning equipment of the wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in the northwest quadrant of Nueces County. The project area includes the Banquette area and the City of Driscoll, City of Bishop, City of Robstown, and the surrounding Colonias. The old equipment was installed in the 1970s and is currently failing, resulting in negative impacts to water quality in Nueces and Baffin Bays. The poor water quality has negative impacts for the health and safety of the people and wildlife along the coast. This project is Phase 1 of a larger effort to reduce nutrient levels and E. coli in wastewater effluent that is then discharged into wetlands. The Nueces River Authority will complete an assessment of the regional area to identify the best site to build a regional wastewater treatement facility and route transmission mains. The construction of a regional facility will allow for a single point of discharge and the economy of scale allows for higher levels of treatment at a lower cost. The regional facility will replace current wastewater treatment facilities that struggle to meet permitted parameters within Nueces County. The regional plant will be able to adequately treat the current and future flows anticipated from the assessment planning period and help improve long-term water quality in Nueces and Baffin Bay. This project is Phase 3 of a larger effort to reduce nutrient levels and E. coli in wastewater effluent that is then discharged into wetlands.


Nueces River Authority


  • Federal
Water Quality Improvement



Funding Sources

Source 1

Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act (GOMESA)


General Land Office
Coastal Resources 800.998.4456