The project is located on the west shorelines of Carancahua Bay on the only public marshes located on this portion of Calhoun County. Calhoun County completed the first phase for the project through a county CIAP grant that included the beach nourishment and the structural protection of the beach and local marshes. Calhoun County invested $600,000 in this project but was not able to implement all of the restoration and protection measures due to limited funding. The project was left with a deficit of sand on the north beach. In the winter of 2015, a storm generated a marsh breach in the area of the north beach where the nourishment design was removed from the original project. The marshes leeward of this beach berm are in imminent threat of being exposed to high wave energy bay processes. This phase of the project will increase the dry beach with and elevate the existing dune system with good quality sand and amend the permit to allow beneficial use of dredged material (BUDM) practices.