Alternatives analysis (data collection & engineering design) and permitting phase for a submerged rock revetment to be constructed during a later phase on the channel-ward side of the 4,700 ft-long existing concrete bulkhead along the Corpus Christi Ship Channel adjacent to Mustang Island/the City of Port Aransas, in the vicinity of the Port Aransas Nature Preserve. This revetment has been identified as a preventative measure preferred solution to mitigate longitudinal scour of the channel bed up against the bulkhead foundation due to the ongoing effects of navigation along the ship channel. Some sections of the vertical concrete panels along various sections of the bulkhead have experienced foundational undermining as a result of this scour, leading to vertical subsidence of various panel sections. If left unchecked, this condition could lead to a potential collapse of sections of the bulkhead. The submerged revetment will prevent structural blowout and will also capture sediment along the base of the channel-ward side of the bulkhead (where the water is deeper), greatly aiding in stopping scour.