Prior to planning the design of a living shoreline, a property owner should check with the Texas General Land Office's Permit Service Center (PSC) to determine if the living shoreline will be located within GLO jurisdiction. Contact the PSC .

Living Shoreline Methods 

Using what you have learned about your property from both the Living Shoreline Site Suitability Model and the visual site assessment, you can now start to determine which living shoreline option would be the best fit.

Living shorelines are not one size fits all. The living shoreline you build will need to be customized to the specific conditions on your property. Luckily, living shorelines are highly versatile and can be designed to fit your site's individual needs. The Texas General Land Office has identified four main categories of living shorelines commonly used along the Texas coast:

  1. Soft Stabilization: Marsh Grass Plantings
  2. Soft Stabilization Retrofit
  3. Hybrid Stabilization: Submerged Oyster Shell Beds, Reef Balls, Plantings in conjunction with Articulated Blocks or Mats, Riprap, or Breakwaters
  4. Hybrid Stabilization Retrofit

Each type is associated with a specific set of conditions and implementation options designed to reduce erosion, protect the shoreline, and prevent land loss. Note that living shorelines are not always a suitable shoreline stabilization option. The shoreline may have too much wave energy, experience too much erosion, or be too deep to support plantings or other living shoreline options. This does not mean a living shoreline cannot be considered, but caution is encouraged and a site assessment performed by an expert is recommended.

Living Shorelines Options Based on Your Property's Characteristics

Benefits of Living Shorelines Components


What’s next?

Step Four : Engaging With A Professional - A successful living shoreline project often requires the involvement of a shoreline management professional with experience and expertise in designing and installing living shorelines.


Keep Exploring


Living Shorelines Project Explorer Map

View an interactive map of existing living shorelines in Texas to find examples as well as projects near you for inspiration.


Planting Guidance

Discover the most common native plants that thrive in Texas coastal habitats as well as other resources to help with native plant selection for your living shoreline.


Funding Opportunities

Although funding cannot be guaranteed, resources are available for property owners to explore related to living shorelines.