Harris County

Announcement: The GLO is no longer accepting applications. Effective July 1, 2023 non-responsive and incomplete files have been permanently closed.

GLO's Homeowner Assistance Program in Harris County

The GLO can provide homeowner assistance through:

  • Repairing and rehabilitating homes
  • Reconstruction
  • Improving a damaged home so that it is more resilient against natural disasters
  • Elevating homes above flood level

Applicants who requested assistance from the Harris County’s Homeowners Assistance Program; and were not served by the county were transferred to the GLO.

If you were contacted by the GLO to fill out an application and have questions, please contact 346-222-4686 or 1-866-317-1998 (toll free). 

Regional Office Locations

Holiday Closures 

June 19, 2024, Juneteenth

July 4, 2024, Independence Day

September 2, 2024, Labor Day

November 28-29, 2024, Thanksgiving

December 24-25, 2024, Christmas

Southeast Center 

 12541 Gulf Freeway 


TX 77034

View Map

North-Northeast Center 

1603 Lakeville Drive 


TX 77339 

View Map


Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. by appointment only. Appointments are available after 5 p.m. and on Saturdays by request.


The GLO is committed to assisting Texans in the recovery process through this program and has the following services available:

  • Language assistance available by request: 512-463-5139. To request translation assistance with documents, events or other information, please leave a detailed message with your name, phone number and questions, and an interpreter will return your call with additional information. 

  • Speech or hearing impaired: 7-1-1 

  • TTD / TTY device: 1-844-893-8937 (toll free)

  • For more information visit: Texas RELAY

  • Complaint and Appeals process