Vietnam Veterans Day Recreation and Performance

Contact Karina Erickson Press Secretary Texas General Land Office

On Friday, March 29th, the Frank M. Tejeda Texas State Veterans Home will host a Vietnam Veterans Day event at 1:30 p.m. including a performance by ReCreation at 2 p.m. The community is invited to join the Frank M. Tejeda Veterans Home as we celebrate our Texas Veterans who honorably served in Vietnam. 

The event will kick off with a “Welcome Home” speech from Daniel Medrano, former president of the Vietnam Veterans Association from 2006 to 2014. Following the speech, the Floresville High School cheerleaders will lead the Veterans in a procession down the hallways where they will be cheered and thanked for their service by members of the VFW Post and Auxiliary 8555, Daughters of the American Revolution, members of the Veterans Affairs Volunteer District 5, as well as staff, family, and other residents. The Vietnam Veterans will then be given front row seating for a performance from Re-Creation that begins at 2 p.m. 

Re-Creation is a volunteer led initiative to provide live entertainment for care facilities across the nation. The 44 th edition presents a grand celebration covering patriotic song and dance by talented performers who seek to ensure Americas patriots are not forgotten. 

This event is free and open to the public. Attendees are encouraged to wear red, white and blue. 

Media is welcome and we ask that you RSVP so that we can facilitate your coverage of the event. 

The VLB Texas State Veterans Homes provide affordable, long-term nursing care for Texas Veterans, their spouses and Gold Star parents. Conveniently located across Texas, each first-class facility is designed to enhance quality of life with a clean, caring and dignified setting appropriate to those men and women who have served our country with honor.