Unaccompanied Veteran Burial to be held at Rio Grande Valley Texas State Veterans Cemetery

Contact Karina Erickson Press Secretary Texas General Land Office

Today, Texas Veterans Land Board Chairman George P. Bush announced that TODAY Friday, March 15th, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. SHARP, the Rio Grande Valley Texas State Veterans Cemetery in Mission, Texas will conduct an Unaccompanied Veteran burial for Specialist James Sabatke. Born in March of 1960, Sabatke served as a United States Army Veteran from 1977 to 1985 as an Attack Helicopter Repair Specialist. 

Sabatke is not expected to have anyone attend his funeral, as no next-of-kin are able to attend. Please help us spread the word and ensure that our United States Army Veteran is not buried alone. Members of the Rio Grande Valley Texas community are welcome to attend. 

Rio Grande Valley Texas State Veterans Cemetery staff has coordinated with the Veteran of Foreign Wars post 8788 located in Texas to ensure that Sabatke will receive full military honors. If no next-of-kin presents themselves at the ceremony, the On-Site Representative of the Veterans Land Board will accept the United States flag on Sabatke's behalf. 

The Texas Veterans Land Board works with the local community and fellow Veterans service organizations to ensure that NO Veteran is EVER left behind. Please join us to honor his life and service with a full military burial.


Friday, March 15th, 2019, at 1:00 p.m. SHARP 
Service for SPC James Sabatke, U.S. Army Veteran 

Rio Grande Valley Texas State Veterans Cemetery 
2520 Inspiration Rd, Mission, TX 78572 

Media is welcome and we ask that you RSVP so that we can facilitate your coverage of the service. Thank you for your support of our Texas Veterans. Together as a community, we can guarantee that NO Veteran is EVER left behind.
