City of Killeen Takes Over Daily Operations of Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery

Contact Kimberly Hubbard

Today, Texas Land Commissioner and Veterans Land Board (VLB) Chairwoman Dawn Buckingham, M.D. announced the City of Killeen has officially taken over daily operations of the Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery. The VLB still owns and oversees the cemetery and will provide the city with the funding for all salaries, employee benefits, and daily operating supplies. Additionally, the same National Cemetery Administration (NCA) standards that apply to all four Texas State Veterans Cemeteries will remain in place.

"It is an honor for the VLB to work with the City of Killeen as we continue the Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery's legacy of impeccable service to Veterans and their families during some of the most difficult times of their lives," said Commissioner Buckingham. "Together, we will create an even better future for the invaluable staff at the cemetery, our Veterans and their families for generations to come."

"It's a privilege to have the opportunity to honor our courageous fallen heroes in this manner," said City of Killeen Mayor Debbie Nash-King. "For our city to be a part of this legacy and living tribute to the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice, is a profound showing of respect and gratitude."


The temporary staff at the Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery will now be City of Killeen employees with full benefits. This will allow the VLB's invaluable staff to not simply have jobs with salaries, but careers with upward progression potential.

The VLB has found that paying city employee salaries, benefits, daily operating supplies, and indirect costs saves 30% over using Temp agency personnel at the Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery. The VLB has similar arrangements with Abilene, Corpus Christi and Mission and plans to have an interlocal agreement in place with Lubbock when that cemetery opens.

The incredible legacy of the Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery would not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of the cemetery staff, and the VLB will continue to champion their expanding careers. Together, the VLB and the City of Killeen will continue to uphold the highest VA standards as we serve our Veterans and their families.