Commissioner Buckingham Announces War Memorial Donation Campaign for the Texas State Veterans Cemetery at Abilene

Contact Kimberly Hubbard

Today, Texas Land Commissioner and Veterans Land Board (VLB) Chairwoman Dawn Buckingham. M.D. announced the War Memorial Donation Campaign for the Texas State Veterans Cemetery at Abilene. The new stone memorials will accompany the cemetery's new Vietnam War Memorial and commemorate World War II, the Korean War, and the Persian Gulf War.


Vietnam War Memorial at the Coastal Bend State Veterans Cemetery in Corpus Christi


The War Memorials will be seven feet wide by six feet tall and cost $8,750 each, including the cost of the stone and the construction of its base. This campaign will remain open until all funds are raised.

Get a VLB donation form by clicking the button below:

VLB Donation Form 

Tax-deductible donations can be mailed to or dropped off at the Cemetery:

Texas State Veterans Cemetery at Abilene 
7457 W. Lake Road 
Abilene, Texas 79601


World War II Memorial at the Coastal Bend State Veterans Cemetery in Corpus Christi


The VLB's mission is to provide the best package of Veterans' benefits in the country, and it strives to meet this goal every day. For nearly 80 years, the VLB has had the honor of serving Veterans, Military Members, and their families in Texas.