Commissioner Buckingham Proud to Announce Texas Veterans Land Board Presence at the Annual State Fair of Texas

Contact Kimberly Hubbard

Commissioner Dawn Buckingham, M.D. is proud to announce the Texas Veterans Land Board (VLB) will have a resource table for the entirety of the State Fair of Texas from Friday, Sep 29, 2023 – Sunday, Oct 22, 2023.

“Serving our Veterans is a top priority at the General Land Office. As Chairwoman of the Veterans Land Board, I am honored to ensure our Veterans are always supported in return for their diligent military service,” said Commissioner Buckingham. “The VLB strives to educate the public about the numerous benefits offered to our Veterans and their families. With a daily presence at the State Fair of Texas, it is my hope that many more Texans will learn about our program and take advantage of the helpful services provided.”  

The VLB provides the most robust state benefits package in the nation for Texas Veterans, Military Members, and their families: 


The VLB Veterans Land Loan Program is the only one of its kind in the nation—giving Texas Veterans and Military Members the opportunity to borrow money to purchase land at favorable interest rates and terms while only requiring a minimum 5% down payment.


In 1983, the Legislature created the VLB Veterans Housing Assistance Program to assist Texas Veterans and Military Members in purchasing a home. Through this program, eligible Texas Veterans and Military Members have an opportunity to purchase a home with an unbeatable, low-interest loan with little or no money down.


As part of its commitment to Veterans, the VLB can help a Veteran or Military Member buy a home and then help pay to improve it through the Texas Veterans Home Improvement Program (VHIP). This program was introduced in 1986 to provide below-market interest rate loans to qualified Texas Veterans and Military Members for home repairs and improvements to their existing homes.


The VLB makes tracts of land available for Texas Veterans and Military Members to bid on in our quarterly land sales held every January, April, July, and October. Texas Veterans and Military Members may use the VLB Land Loan to purchase these tracts or other non-commercial properties in Texas that are one acre or more.


The Texas Veterans Land Board is proud to serve Veterans, Military Members, their families and supporting organizations throughout Texas. VLB Outreach Specialists are available for one-on-one or group meetings via Zoom, telephone, or in person. Additionally, the VLB provides a call center service five days a week to answer any questions that may arise with benefits. The hotline number is 1-800-252-8387.


The Texas Veterans Land Board is proud and honored to offer nine long-term care facilities throughout the state for qualified Veterans, their spouses, and Gold Star parents. To be eligible, applicants must have a doctor's note stating the need for skilled nursing care and have resided in Texas for at least a day. Veterans must have served at least 90 days, have a DD214, and be honorably discharged. Veterans with a 70% or higher service-connected disability can generally live at a home for free.


Texas State Veterans Cemeteries are built through a partnership between the state of Texas and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and are managed by the Texas Veterans Land Board. VLB Cemeteries are located in Abilene, Corpus Christi, Killeen, and Mission, Texas.

State Fair of Texas VLB booth

Commissioner Buckingham encourages anyone who plans to attend the State Fair of Texas to visit the VLB booth located in the GO TEXAN Pavilion. The General Land Office's VLB representatives will be happy to assist you with information regarding all the benefits provided to our Veterans and their families.

To learn more about the VLB, please visit the website, Facebook and Twitter page.