This website was designed by the Texas General Land Office to provide Texans with an educational resource on the use of living shorelines in the place of, or in addition to, traditional shoreline protection structures.
The Texas General Land Office is committed to promoting ecologically and economically sound coastal management practices. We hope the information presented throughout this site will help you build a living shoreline on your property that is resilient to coastal hazards and will protect your piece of Texas for generations to come.
Whether you are a shoreline property owner looking to alleviate erosion, or a contractor or elected official looking to better understand shoreline stabilization projects and practices, throughout this site you will find useful information about living shorelines as well as the steps needed to design, permit, and construct a successful living shoreline project.
The information provided is not meant to suggest that living shorelines are the correct or best option for every situation. It is important you understand that project sites can differ considerably from one to the next, and the concepts described will need to be adapted to the conditions of each individual project site.
To learn more about the Texas General Land Office, visit https://www.glo.texas.gov/.

A Guide to Living Shorelines in Texas
A comprehensive guide to implementing a living shoreline project along the Texas coast, providing practical insight and inspiration to restore and protect coastal property on your land or in your community.

What is a Living Shoreline
Living shorelines provide a natural approach to protecting shorelines from erosion. In contrast to conventional, hardened shorelines, living shorelines offer many benefits to the environment along with increased resilience.

Living Shorelines Project Explorer Map
View an interactive map of the existing living shorelines in Texas to find examples as well as projects near you for inspiration.