Development and Implementation of a Sanitary Survey Program for Texas Beaches
Coast Wide
Coastal Management Program (CMP)
Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi
Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi
Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi will initiate a standard sanitary survey program, currently lacking in Texas, to characterize and categorize Texas beaches, assess potential sources of pollution and predict water quality based on existing data.
Development of a 3D Hydrodynamic and Sediment Transport Models to Support Oyster Reef
Coastal Management Program (CMP)
Texas A&M Galveston
Texas A&M
Texas A&M University at Galveston (TAMUG) will develop a 3D, intertidal sediment transport model that represents the physical characteristics of Galveston Bay (e.g., particle size distribution; sediment erosion, re-suspension and deposition; oyster larvae and spat size distribution at various growth stages).
Development of an interactive, animated web page for Texas Automated Buoy System(TABS) data
Coast Wide
Oil Spill Prevention & Response Act (OSPRA) Research and Development
Texas A&M University
Update the TABS website making the site interactive, animated and create a web portal.
Development of Beach Nourishment Regional General Permits and Programmatic Biological Assessments
Coast Wide
Coastal Management Program (CMP)
Atkins North America
Atkins to conduct professional services needed to complete two biological assessments for the upper and lower Texas coast and the application package to be submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for regional general permits for the GLO to conduct beach nourishment on public, critically eroding, Gulf-facing beaches.
Development of Facilities Master Plan for the Environmental Learning and Research Center
Coastal Management Program (CMP)
The Environmental Learning & Research Center
The Environmental Learning & Research Center, Inc.
The Environmental Learning and Research Center, Inc. will hire an architect-engineering firm to complete a site assessment and schematic drawings for buildings that will ultimately house the center, which will be located along the Neches River and serve as a nature education and research center.
Development/Implementation of Water Quality Management Plans - Arroyo Colorado
Coastal Management Program (CMP)
Southmost Soil & Water Conservation District
Southmost Soil & Water Conservation District
The development and implementation of Water Quality Management Plans (WQMPs) in the Arroyo Colorado watershed will provide agricultural producers an opportunity to comply with state water quality laws through a voluntary, incentive-based approach.
Development/Implementation of Water Quality Management Plans - Arroyo Colorado
Coastal Management Program (CMP)
Southmost Soil & Water Conservation District
Southmost Soil & Water Conservation District
The development and implementation of Water Quality Management Plans in the Arroyo Colorado
Development/Implementation of Water Quality Management Plans - Chambers
Coastal Management Program (CMP)
Trinity Bay Soil & Water Conservation District
Trinity Bay Soil & Water Conservation District
The development & implementation of Water Quality Management Plans within impaired watersheds
Development/Implementation of Water Quality Management Plans - Jefferson
Coastal Management Program (CMP)
Coastal Soil & Water Conservation District
Coastal Soil & Water Conservation District
The project's primary task will be the development and implementation of Water Quality Management Plans (WQMPs) within these impaired watersheds. This will provide agriculture producers who seek assistance the opportunity to comply with state water quality laws through a voluntary, incentive-based approach.
Development/Implementation of Water Quality Management Plans - Jefferson
Coastal Management Program (CMP)
Coastal Soil & Water Conservation District
Coastal Soil & Water Conservation District
The development and implementation of Water Quality Management Plans within impaired watersheds In Jefferson County.
Development/Implementation of Water Quality Management Plans - Kleberg/Kenedy
Coastal Management Program (CMP)
Kleberg-Kenedy Soil & Water Conservation District
Kleberg-Kenedy Soil & Water Conservation District
Implemented on agricultural lands within the boundaries of the Coastal Zone Area in Kleberg and Kenedy counties
Development/Implementation of Water Quality Management Plans - Kleberg/Kenedy
Coastal Management Program (CMP)
Kleberg-Kenedy Soil & Water Conservation District
Kleberg-Kenedy Soil & Water Conservation District
This project will be implemented on agricultural lands within the boundaries of the Coastal Zone Area in Kleberg and Kenedy counties. The Upper Laguna Madre/Baffin Bay complex currently is on the 303(d) list because of low dissolved oxygen levels. The primary task will be the development and implementation of Water Quality Management Plans (WQMPs) in the Coastal Zone.
Development/Implementation of Water Quality Management Plans - Matagorda
Coastal Management Program (CMP)
Matagorda County Soil & Water Conservation District
Matagorda County Soil & Water Conservation District
This project would be applicable only to agricultural lands within the boundaries of the Coastal Zone Area in Matagorda County. The project's primary task will be the development and implementation of Water Quality Management Plans (WQMPs) in the Coastal Zone Area. This will provide the agricultural producers who seek participation with the opportunity to comply with state water quality laws through a voluntary, incentive-based approach.
Development/Implementation of Water Quality Management Plans - Orange
Coastal Management Program (CMP)
Lower Sabine-Neches Soil & Water Conservation District
Lower Sabine-Neches Soil & Water Conservation District
The development and implementation of Water Quality Management Plans within impaired watersheds.
Development/Implementation of Water Quality Management Plans - Refugio/Aransas
Coastal Management Program (CMP)
Copano Bay Soil and Water Conservation District
Copano Bay Soil and Water Conservation District
The development and implementation of Water Quality Management Plans in the Coastal Zone Area.
Development/Implementation of Water Quality Management Plans - San Patricio
San Patricio
Coastal Management Program (CMP)
San Patricio Soil & Water Conservation District
San Patricio Soil & Water Conservation District
The development and implementation of Water Quality Management Plans in the Coastal Zone Area.
Development/Implementation of Water Quality Management Plans - San Patricio
San Patricio
Coastal Management Program (CMP)
San Patricio Soil & Water Conservation District
San Patricio Soil & Water Conservation District
This project would be applicable only to agricultural lands within the boundaries of the Coastal Zone Area in San Patricio and Aransas Counties. The project's primary task will be the development and implementation of Water Quality Management Plans (WQMPs) in the Coastal Zone Area. This will provide the agricultural producers who seek participation with the opportunity to comply with state water quality laws through a voluntary,
Development/Implementation of Water Quality Management Plans - Victoria
Coastal Management Program (CMP)
Victoria Soil & Water Conservation District
Victoria Soil & Water Conservation District
This project would be applicable only to agricultural lands within the boundaries of the Coastal Zone Area in Victoria County. The project's primary task will be the development and implementation of Water Quality Management Plans (WQMPs) in the Coastal Zone Area. This will provide the agricultural producers who seek participation with the opportunity to comply with state water quality laws through a voluntary, incentive-based approach.
Development/Implementation of Water Quality Management Plans - Willacy
Coastal Management Program (CMP)
Willacy Soil & Water Conservation District
Willacy Soil & Water Conservation District
This proposed project will be applicable only to agricultural lands within the boundaries of the Coastal Zone in Willacy County. The primary task will be the development and implementation of WQMPs in the Coastal Zone. This will provide the agricultural producers an opportunity to comply with state water quality laws through a voluntary, incentive-based approach.
Dickinson Bayou Boat Removal
Coastal Management Program (CMP)
Galveston County
Galveston County
Project to remove abandoned shrimp boats from Dickinson Bayou.