Commissioner George P. Bush Announces Top Texan Tournament Commemorating Texas Independence Day
Today, to commemorate Texas Independence Day and Texas History Month, Texas General Land Office Commissioner George P. Bush announced the beginning of the interactive Save Texas History Top Texan Tournament. The Top Texan Tournament allows users to vote for their favorite Texan among 64 figures from throughout the state’s history and can be accessed at The tournament will last throughout March.“One of my goals as land commissioner is to invoke new technological platforms at the Texas General Land Office,” said Commissioner Bush. Read More
Commissioner George P. Bush announces new renourishment project starting in Corpus Christi
Today Commissioner George P. Bush announced the Texas General Land Office (GLO) and the City of Corpus Christi have partnered on a project to perform maintenance re-nourishment of Corpus Christi’s North Beach. The project is authorized and funded in part by the State of Texas under the Coastal Erosion Planning and Response Act (CEPRA) program administered by the GLO, in partnership with the City of Corpus Christi."Our Texas coast is an integral part of the state's rich history and vibrant economy," Commissioner George P. Bush said. Read More
Commissioner Bush Announces Texas Adopt-A-Beach “Better Beaches” Fundraising Campaign
Commissioner George P. Bush today announced the beginning of a month-long Texas Adopt-A-Beach fundraising campaign to commemorate the program’s 30th anniversary.“As Texans, we are proud of the shared heritage our coast represents,” said Commissioner Bush. “Every day at the GLO, we work to protect that heritage for future generations. This month, I’m asking Texans to help make our coast even better. Read More
Adopt-A-Beach Spring Cleanup Saturday, April 23rd
Volunteers are signing up now for the nation's biggest coastal cleanup on Saturday, April 23rd.The 2016 Texas General Land Office Adopt-A-Beach Spring Cleanup takes place at 31 sites coast-wide. Volunteers can sign up online at or show up on-site Saturday morning to take part in a fun-filled day at the beach that makes a difference."Sign up now to join forces with thousands of other Texans who care about the coast," said Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush. “Marine debris kills wildlife and hurts tourism, but it's a problem we can fix. Read More
VLB to host Texas Veterans Benefits Fair in Tyler on March 19th
A free “come and go” benefits fair for Texas veterans will be held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, March 19, at the Armed Forces Reserve Center. The fair, targeting all area veterans, is one of many planned throughout the state in 2016.Officials from the Texas Veterans Land Board will be on hand to provide information on state programs including land, housing and home improvement loans as well as Texas state veterans' cemeteries and nursing homes for veterans. As an intergovernmental partnership event between the Texas VLB, the U.S. Read More
Commissioner Bush Maps Texas Energy & History
Today Texas General Land Office Commissioner George P. Bush unveiled the Energy Map of Texas, which highlights the 500-year history of energy production across the state. Commissioner Bush’s map includes locations of significant wells, pipelines, and wind farms and traces the history of energy development across the Lone Star State. Read More
The Alamo presents: Ride for Texas Independence
UPDATE: Live streaming video and photo opportunity with reenactors before the event!The Ride for Texas Independence ceremony on Wednesday will be available for live streaming at The reenactors playing Alamo Commander William B. Travis and Courier Albert Martin will be available in period dress from 9:00-9:45 a.m. in front of the Alamo for promotional photos.--On Feb. 24, 1836, Alamo commander William B. Travis wrote the now famous "Victory or Death" letter. Read More
VLB to host Texas Veterans Benefits Fair in Houston on Feb. 20th
A free “come and go” benefits fair for Texas veterans will be held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 20, at the Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center. The fair, targeting all area veterans, is one of many planned throughout the state in 2016.Officials from the Texas Veterans Land Board will be on hand to provide information on state programs including land, housing and home improvement loans as well as Texas state veterans' cemeteries and nursing homes for veterans. As an intergovernmental partnership event between the Texas VLB, the U.S. Read More
Announcing the Battle of the Alamo 180th Anniversary Events
Remember the Alamo with thirteen days of interactive living history programming and special events to commemorate the 180th anniversary of the siege and battle of the Alamo. Check out the Alamo's website at for daily schedules of events.Daily eventsDaily at 10 a.m. & 2:00 p.m., reenactors will read a daily overview of events including letters and historic speeches from those who were there in 1836. These readings will take place in front of the Alamo Church. Additionally, Living History demonstrations will take place on the grounds from 10:00 a.m. Read More
Commissioner George P. Bush to visit with Veteran Employees at Ultra Electronics-Advanced Tactical Systems in Austin
Texas Land Commissioner and Chairman of the Veterans Land Board George P. Bush will tour the facilities of Ultra Electronics-Advanced Tactical Systems before sitting down to meet with veteran employees to make sure they’re aware of the benefits available to them through the Veterans Land Board.WHO: Texas Land Commissioner George P. Read More