Filed Date: January 10, 2025
Event Date: January 10, 2025 17:00PM
Board: Federal Consistency
On January 10, 1997, the State of Texas received federal approval of the Coastal Management Program (CMP) (62 Federal Register pp. 1439 - 1440). Under federal law, federal agency activities and actions affecting the Texas coastal zone must be consistent with the CMP goals and policies identified in 31 TAC Chapter 26. Requests for federal consistency review were deemed administratively complete for the following project(s) during the period of, December 7, 2024 to December 23, 2024. As required by federal law, the public is given an opportunity to comment on the consistency of proposed activities in the coastal zone undertaken or authorized by federal agencies. Pursuant to 31 TAC §§30.20(f), 30.30(h), and 30.40(e), the public comment period extends 30 days from the date published on the Texas General Land Office web site. The notice was published on the web site on Friday, January 10, 2025. The public comment period for this project will close at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, February 9, 2025.
Federal Agency Activities:
Applicant: United States Department of the Navy
Location: The Atlantic Fleet Training and Testing (AFTT) Study Area begins at the mean high-water mark and extends seaward, including airspace, sea, and undersea space. The locations of training and testing activities proposed to occur off the coast of Texas include the following: Gulf of Mexico (GOMEX) Range Complex, Civilian ports of Beaumont and Corpus Christi, Texas, and U.S. Coast Guard Station Corpus, Christi, Texas.
Project Description: The Proposed Action is to conduct military readiness training activities, and research, development, testing, and evaluation activities in the AFTT Study Area. These military readiness activities include the use of active sonar and explosives within existing range complexes and testing ranges and additional areas located in the Atlantic Ocean along the eastern coast of North America, in portions of the Caribbean Sea, the Gulf of Mexico, at Navy pierside locations and port transit channels, near civilian ports, and in bays, harbors, and inland waterways. The purpose of the Proposed Action is to ensure the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard, are able to organize, train, and equip service members and personnel to meet their respective national defense missions in accordance with their congressionally mandated requirements.
Type of Application: Atlantic Fleet Training and Testing Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement/Overseas Environmental Impact statement.
CMP Project No: 25-1090-F2
Further information on the applications listed above, including a copy of the consistency certifications or consistency determinations for inspection, may be obtained from the Texas General Land Office Public Information Officer at 1700 N. Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701, or via email at Comments should be sent to the Texas General Land Office Coastal Management Program Coordinator at the above address or via email at